Truth Bomb by OVD : Covid 19 surge and 2 new variants, Bad milestone

 Hey Everyone,

  I know everyone is tired of Covid-19 and doesn't want to hear about it...but sticking your head in the sand never works.

We are officially over 1 MILIION DEATHS in the USA of Covid-19

  There are two new variants of working their way around the Nation and the world. Good news is most vaccinated people don't even notice it. So 98% of the Deaths are the Science denying Nazi morons and the Mega hippie white Marin Mom types. The sad part is their unvaccinated kids will get it too. Many will die and start getting other diseases like Polio, Small Pox and Measles from not vaccinating and dying horrible deaths...but in the long run it means less dumb and evil humans. Darwin's got this one.

  That being said you should still practice social distancing and masking in large public arena's. Stay current with boosters and the science. The sad fact is only 30% of vaccinated Americans have their Booster yet. Get the Booster folks. And if you do get it...go to one of those anti-science rally's and cough on everyone <kidding of course...or am I> 😎

  If you have a science denier in your family, ask them if you can take out a life insurance policy on them...keep pushing it...aww, come on..."we know your going to get the Rona and die, at least let the family cash in on your stupidity". Maybe that will open their eyes. But they are against being "woke" which is just slang for Awake, seeing what's really going on around you. Being aware. And these people have made it their mission NOT to "Be aware" and live to own the libs...which is slang for being a Troll. Can you imagine living like that ? Anyways many of them will die and many more will be sterile, lung and heart problems, Mental issues which are the long term effects of covid without being vaccinated. So the Demographics will shift faster as most of them are white. It's funny watching FOX, and the like, preach "White Supremacy" all while telling the same Morons to do stuff that will kill or sterilize them...ROTFL. To bad Climate Change won't hold off for one more Generation. Religious crap is dying off. People are more accepting and inclusive. This "Last Generation" would have done bad we are leaving them a dying planet, with an uncontrollable pandemic and War with a nuclear power that could spill over and start WWIII. So nice of us huh.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 



  1. I hardly ever see anyone else wearing a mask around here. If wearing one protects other people I'm beginning to wonder why I'm still doing it.

    1. I do in stores or the VA but I rarely go out either.


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