Truth Bomb by OVD : How to react to Russia's genocide and war crimes

 Hey Everyone,

  So we'll take a break from my personal drama to talk about something more important. How should the US, NATO and the "West" react to finding out that Putin the Butcher of Mariupol is also the Butcher of Bucha and probably any where Russia went. The pictures coming out of Bucha are nothing short of horrifying at the Nazi level of horrifying. Slaughtered civilians all over the streets. Piles of bodies(with their hands tied) in basements and then their is the mass graves with various bodies poking out...showing they are full of bodies...huge trenches. There is only one word that describes this...Genocide. 

  So what can we do...without starting WWIII? How can the west "thread that needle" and still really hurt Putin's Nazi army in Ukraine and the whole of Russia? Well first off...stop worrying to much about starting WWIII. The Russians don't want that either and will kill Putin if he tried to. So our only real limitations are using NATO forces in Ukraine or Russia. We should start a massive build up though. Not this petty few thousand soldiers. Start moving divisions there. Show the Russians we are not playing around. This also makes Putin have to commit more forces to his own boarders and not Ukraine. So that Number 1....lets make a list...

1) Vastly increase NATO's presence on the boarders of Russia. Divisions not company's. This will scare the Russian military...who KNOW they are out matched and make Putin commit more troops and resources to his borders and not Ukraine.

2) Forget "freezing" Russian Oligarch money and assets. Lets start "Seizing" their assets and selling them off to pay for Ukrainian war reparation's. Watch how fast Putin gets thrown out Da Vindow when that happens. 

3) Stop ALL trade with Russia. And I mean all. No internet...cut them off like North Korea.  They'll bleed out in a month economically. Yes Europe and the world will pay more for gas and oil but....

4) is a tactical reason to switch to Renewable Energy and electric vehicles. This is yet another example of how evil nations can still exist in the modern world...whether it's Saudi Arabia or Russia, they get a free pass because they are sitting on oil. It also takes up a large chunk of your supply chain. Freeing that up would speed things way up...for both civilians and the military. Think of it...a battalion of tanks that are very quiet...that can generate their own power when in the defense...pull out the solar array or portable windmill...or both and start charging. Bad ass huh? There are many non-hippie reasons to do it...use those reasons when talking to morons so at least they get on board. Also if we were smart we'd make solar and wind manufacturing plants. Bringing good paying jobs to America.

5) Start REALLY arming the Ukrainians...spring is here...come summer those tanks can cross the fields. The mud will be gone. They need more than some Manpats(Javelins, MLAW's, Stingers etc.). Even the 30, MiG 29's in Poland is not enough. We needs to gets them some real tanks and real planes and real missile system's. Lend Lease just like we did for the UK and Russia in WWII and stayed Neutral. They've got the personnel...and now they all have at least a bit of combat experience(which makes a huge difference) but they don't have enough tanks or planes or REAL anti-aircraft missile systems(SAM's) and they need them there fast. In a few weeks that ground will get firm and the Russians will attack again hard...but this time on line, not in a line. And the Ukrainians will only be able to delay with what they have and still risk encirclement. And cross training from a T-90 to a M1 Abram is ten minutes...maybe some pasties in Cyrillic(Russian alphabet) and the F-15 and F-16 aren't much harder than a MIG 29...but boy the fly better and faster and can shoot from farther away so the Ukrainian pilots...which are all jet dog fighter veterans now...will love them. Maybe give them some old A-10's...but whatever we are going to send it needs to get there fast...and hush hush...even have Ukrainians continue to ask for help, so the Ukrainians will have the element of surprise on top of that. This one will make the biggest difference. If the west turns this into a PROXY war to bleed the Russians and test new weapons out like that crappy "Switchblade", millions of Ukrainians will die. It's what the West usually does. We can't let that your governments out on this. They need everything...yesterday. 

Please add any other suggestions in the comments section below. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis

The second Russian wave 


  1. I don't know how we can really arm Ukraine when even the people in the US who could make that happen and admit Putin is a monster are too chicken shit to do so. The assholes on Fox are still denying that Putin has done anything bad. Tucker even "just asking questions" suggested that the dead bodies in Ukraine are not dead. They are actors. There are people who watch that bullshit and buy what he's selling.

    1. I'm not surprised that that bunch of Traitors are still kissing Putin's ass publicly. They will lose all credibility to even their viewers. If you see the pictures and you've seen know that shit ain't fake.

    2. No, it's not fake. It would be nice to ship a bunch of "news" broadcasters to a war zone. Or even just anywhere out of their comfort zone. A refugee camp would be good.

  2. I especially like #2. Russia should be made to pay for the rebuilding of Ukraine, much like Germany was forced to pay for the rebuilding of Europe after WWI. Especially as you say, seize the oligarch"s money, it is all ill gotten gains anyway. I was in Russia and the Baltics in the 1990s (married a Russian woman) and the hope back then was that Russia would become part of the free markets but instead a few sociopaths took all the wealth for themselves. Putin was part of that cabal.

    1. Yup...I also have some Russian friends...they all left Russia a month ago because they didn't want to be associated with the Russian Nazis or get trapped behind the new Iron curtain.


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