Truth Bomb by OVD : Movies and shows ratings

 Hey Everyone,

  Time for another installment of the OVD Movie/Show ratings on a 1 to 10 scale. A lot of new stuff is out so lets do this...


1) "Spider Man No way home" : Rating 4 : very Predictable, bad acting and no Miles from Spider-verse. So this movie is so predictable it's boring. The acting is so bad it's almost unbearable. This is a movie to watch for free when you are really bored.

2) "The Batman" : Rating 2 : Just horrible not worth watching. I could only do 20 minutes it is so bad.

3) "Moonfall" : Rating 6 : crazy unreal but a fun watch. There is no science behind this crazy unreal "save the world" movie but it is entertaining and fun. A few twists that were nice. Special effects are unreal but awesome. A good movie if you just want entertainment. 

4) "Studio 666" : Rating 6 : David Grohl and gang put out this fun, creepy "horror" flick. Again this movie won't be remembered but was fun and entertaining. Lots of blood and gore and they humor that goes along with it.

5) "The Contractor" : Rating 3 : Another "operator is invincible" movie. The acting is decent but it's total predictable. There is a twist but not that remarkable. 

6) "King Richard" : Rating 9 : Just a great movie. How can you go wrong with a story about the Williams sisters. Growing up in Compton and showing the world their abilities and drive. "Slap" or not this movie is great and worth watching.

7) "Death on the Nile" : Rating 1 : Total Garbage...bad acting, bad writing, bad plot, bad directing...just bad. Don't bother watching it. It's another celerity movie that plays on you caring about famous actors and actresses just because they're famous. 


1) "Walking Dead" and "fear the walking dead": Rating 5 : Walking Dead is just more of the same. New bad guys but same plot. Barley worth watching if you are into Zombie shows/flicks.

2) "Moon Knight" : Rating 3 : This show starts of strong, great acting, plot and directing...but goes to standard DC crap after episode 1. It might pick up but I'm not holding my breath. the Egyptian Gods stuff is cool though.

3) "Halo" : Rating 3 : This show is based of a very popular video game. The first episode had action and special effects expected in a show about a video game...and then goes to shit. Poor acting, horrible characters, worthless plot, bad directing, and just stupid. The 2 human factions are both "Fascist" so you don't care about the humans. At this point I'm routing for the Aliens to wipe out Humanity. Yeah....that bad. 

4) "Reacher" : Rating 6 : This show was surprisingly fun. I'm not one for cop shows but there are enough twists this one was fun. The ending was predictable to me but still worth watching

Netflix is becoming a shit show of crappy shows and old movies. And they are raising prices I will probably drop them in the near future. Streamlord covers them too so it won't be much of a loss. I hop this is helpful. If you want rating to other movies and shows just let me know in the comments below. I'll do my best. I will not watch "reality shows".

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. We dropped Netflix a while back. It just wasn't worth what we were paying for it. I can't remember, is Death on the Nile a Poirot movie? I haven't seen King Richard, I may have to watch it now.

    1. Death on the Nile is a "Crappy, worthless" movie. King Richard is worth the watch for sure.


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