Truth Bomb by OVD : Putin the Butcher of Bucha

 Hey Everyone,

  So I hate saying it but I told you so. Putin's war again Ukraine is Genocide. I've made a few posts in the past about this subject, but the pictures coming out of Bucha...a suburb of without a doubt the genocide happening in Ukraine. Civilian bodies liter the streets. Groups of executed civilians with their hands tied behind their back and even mass graves of civilians. Images that look like they were from Nazi Germany in WWII. Just horrifying. 

  This is a big reason for me calling for giving Ukraine much more and better weapons to fight with. This Genocide is happening all over Ukraine right now and the longer it takes to kick Russia out...the more innocent Ukrainians that will be murdered. Bucha shows us what we are going to find, on a much bigger level, in places like Mariupol and Kharkiv. The longer we wait to actually arm(Planes, tanks, long and medium range missiles) Ukraine, the more blood that's on our hands for letting it happen. My biggest fear is the west uses this as a Proxy war to bleed Russia and make money on weapons of war. Prolonging this genocide for profit and political maneuvering. We can NOT let this happen. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis



  1. Russians are the new Nazis. You called it even if everyone does not want to hear the term.


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