Truth Bomb By OVD : The Republicans have a obvious bigotry and Authoritarian problem

 Hey Everyone,

  So the hearing for Ketanji Brown Jacksons SCOTUS Nomination is over. As predicted she will be our next Supreme Court Justice. During the hearing the Republicans tried every racist dog whistle in the book to try to stop her. It was just sickening. It shows they are the party of Bigotry(Bigotry is when a coward is so scared of people they never met that they react with fear, lies and violence). She is probably one of the most qualified people for the position...but their fear of Black Americans came out plainly and most of them voted against her. They will be remembered by history as hateful bigots. I'm sure none of this is shocking news. Bigotry in various forms seems to be the GOP platform. They hate Black Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans, LGBTQ Americans, Jewish Americans, Muslim Americans, Pagan Americans, Atheist Americans, Working class/poor Americans, disabled fact you can just say they hate most Americans. 

  Which brings us to the next part of the Republican parties platform. They are against NATO and Democracy. In a house vote today, that was just a statement saying America supports NATO and Democracy, over 60 Republicans voted against it. Publicly voted against NATO during the Ukraine/Russian war and against Democracy. On top of that CPAC (their convention) is going to be held in Hungry and their Key note speaker will be Orban, an authoritarian president with ties to Putin...yeah that blatant and evil. 

  Meanwhile the worthless Attorney General Garland still hasn't arrested any of the conspirators of the Jan 6th COUP attempt. Only the low level suckers that went inside the Capital. These evil seditionists are still trying to over throw our Democracy and Garland is doing nothing. He should be fired and arrested for being a conspirator, as nothing else explains why he won't arrest people that did this on TV and have admitted it on TV(many times). We all know they did it. We all know they are guilty. We literally saw it with our own eyes. It's now been a year and a half...and not one of them has been arrested or put on trial. If this is allowed to continue you can bet we'll have another COUP in 2024 if not sooner...which would start a civil war. They must be prosecuted and fast.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis

The Loudest Bigots of the GOP



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