Truth Bomb by OVD : Russia rattles it's nuclear sabre...again

 Hey Everyone,

  So the War is still going badly for Putin and his army of Russian "Z" NaZi's . They lost the battle for Kiev and now their attacks in the eastern Donbass region are failing too. I'm hearing from multiple sources the Russians are getting slaughtered. Worse than in the battle of Kiev. They still can't even take Mariupol. All this as a steady supply of weapons come in from the west to arm Ukraine. In a week or two, when the Ukrainians get enough, they will start really counter attacking and pushing Russia out of Ukraine.

  So Putin and his minions are rattling the nuclear sabre again. Threatening the west with WWIII. Making some nations worry and others to double down on their supplying of Ukraine. Even China came out and said WWIII would be bad for everyone and Putin should chill. I agree with China but think Biden should go further and call Putin's bluff. Make a speech saying America has done no wrong in supplying Ukraine with weapons as Russia started this war over fake propaganda and is committing Genocide. Neither have the other nations. The only "wrong" party in this whole affair is Russia and specifically Putin. Then tell Putin...if you touch one other nation with your worthless army, that can't even beat Ukraine will be obliterated by NATO in days...not months. Without nukes NATO will turn Russia into a pile of Ruble...with no mercy. They brought this on themselves just like the Nazis in WWII. And then make it clear that the world doesn't believe anything Russia says and we know their nukes probably won't even demonstrated by the Ukraine War, Russia military is crap from all the corruption. Most of their nuclear arsenal probably doesn't even work...but ours do...

  And to reinforce this...send a few divisions to Europe and start arming and training Ukrainians on NATO equipment. M1 Abrams, Stryker's, F-15's, F-16's, A-10's, Patriot defensive missile batteries and SAM systems. We need to stop cowering to dictators like Putin. And confront them head on. On top of that ALL trade and borders to Russia should be closed. All Russians citizens(that don't defect) deported back to Russia and all their assets seized. All Russian money and super yacht's that we have "frozen" should be seized to pay for this war and the damage it's done. No more messing around or half ass measures on this evil piece of shit. If Putin tries to launch his own commanders will murder him. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. and the White House announced it's plans to seize Russian Oligarch's assets and sell them. All money going to Ukraine. F*ck Yeah !!!

  2. Sounds good. I hope it's true what I read about Russia running out of parts b/c of all the pilfering that has gone on for years.

    1. Yeah it was discovered their "body Armor" was cardboard and the tank reactive armor is egg


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