Truth Bomb by OVD : The tactics I spoke of in my last post with a map

 Hey Everyone,

  So I made a map to better explain my suggested tactics on my last post.

The Blue is the present Ukrainian defensive line currently

The Red is where the Ukrainians should send commando units to cut supply lines, roads, bridges, rail road track, pipelines and power lines. They don't need to kill any civilians and can cripple Russian supply lines while also bringing the War to Russia.

The Green line is where they should attack once those supply lines are cut. Going through a small part of Russia to get behind their now unsupplied Northern Army group. They are the hammer and the defensive line is the anvil. 

I hope this clears it up.

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. I wanted to let you know that I always read your blog posts and I'm impressed with your evaluation of political and military subjects. However, I don't always post comments since I can't type and rely on my wife for anything longer than a few words. She will soon have surgery for sever Carpal Tunnel Syndrome so for a while I may just post something like "Hi" to let you know I've read your blog.

  2. Notice that I couldn't even spell 'severe'. She's also my spell and grammar check.

    1. There's three of us here on staff at Truth Bomb...Me, Myself and I. Some times it takes a rereading for the other two to see the mistakes and argue how to fix them ')

  3. Who wins the arguments? It sounds like you need a referee.


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