Truth Bomb by OVD : Ukraine update and interesting Stamp fact

 Hey Everyone,

  So the Ukraine war is still going as I predicted. The West it seems has decided to make this a PROXY War instead of trying to help Ukraine actually win it. A Proxy war is when you use another country to hurt your opponents militarily and economically. The goals of this Proxy War are pretty simple 

1) Keep the war going as long as possible. 

2) Bleed the Russians both militarily and economically. 

3) Test new weapons systems and analyze the enemies tactics and equipment.  

4) Make a ton of money for the Military Industrial Complex, War profiteering. For example, Poland sends Ukraine 20 MiG-29's(whether full on taken a part) and the US replaces them with F-35's , Lockheed Martin gets paid for the F-35's making a ton of money and sticking the Ukrainians with outdated Soviet Era crap equipment to fight with. 

  The sad reality is Hundreds of thousands if not Millions of Ukrainian civilians will die because of this choice. We know Russia's tactics and are seeing the results first hand...the Genocide of Ukrainian civilians. By not supplying the Ukrainians with real gear like M1 Abrams, Stryker's, F-15's, F-16's, A-10's, SAMs, etc. they are guaranteeing this war drags on. They are guaranteeing the Russians will be able to kill many more civilians. Their blood is now on our hands too.

  The Donbass attacks have started with no success. From what I'm hearing the Russians are getting slaughtered again. Mariupol's steel mill is still holding out but the Russians are bypassing it as they are losing to many men trying to take it out. Expect a bit of a slugfest once the Russians start pushing large numbers forward. Most likely the Ukrainians will encircle the Northern Russian Army group and take them off the board then head south to finish of the Southern Army Group. This will take months if not years without any real equipment from the west to Ukraine. 

  So another interesting fact. Yesterday the Ukrainian government sold out of their infamous "Hey Russian War ship...f*ck off" stamp that happens to have the Russian missile Cruiser that was Sunk on it. Those stamps are already selling for $100 each, online. And those are selling like hotcakes. There are even T-shirts and gear with it on it. I'd sport that for sure.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 




  1. Just saw this posted on Twitter.
    "Japanese news anchor tries to hold back the tears when she informs her viewers that Putin bestowed honors on the unit of soldiers behind the Bucha Massacre"

  2. They are finding mass graves around Mariupol, with satellites they are so big...thousands of dead Ukrainian civilians. The Genocide continues.

  3. Another post.
    In Russia the state has ordered publishers to eliminate the word "Ukraine" from textbooks. An attempt to erase a nation and a people, and to leave no trace, has begun.


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