Truth Bomb by OVD :Ukraine update, war crimes and Russian army defeat

 Hey Everyone,

  So the latest radio intercepts(which I've covered in the past) the Russians have NO encryption or secure lines of they talk on open radio channels that are recorded, are nothing short of horrifying. Russian troops talk about killing and raping civilians. You can hear Russian officers ordering the killing of civilians and the shelling of them too. Add this to the video's of bodies and satellite images and it gives a clear picture that this is a Top down ordered Genocide of the Ukrainian people.

  These intercepts are also showing the collapsing Russian morale. Hungry Russian troops talk about scavenging for food, even eating dogs. They talk about how they were lied to and just want to go home. They talk about their units that were destroyed. They are completely demoralized. 

  Also Russian citizens are fleeing Russia in larger numbers daily. Going to Georgia, Turkey, Finland and anywhere else they can go. A lot of them telling the press that they can't protest that their nation has become the Nazis, as they will be arrested or worse...conscripted into the fight. 

  And some bigger news...the Russians launched their "second wave" yesterday and it was stopped cold by the Ukrainians so it doesn't even look like the Russians can take the Donbass region and if they do it will be super costly. Of course Putin doesn't care about his own troops so expect them to keep trying and killing more civilians to make Ukraine pay for beating their asses on the battlefield. 

  NATO countries are finally "discussing" giving the Ukrainians real amounts of military aid. More tanks, planes and Long and short range AA missiles. But it's still just talk. If we DO supply them and fast enough the Ukrainians could win and more importantly end this war. If we don't this war will drag on for months if not years. And their blood will be on our hands too.

  All this, also points to the collapse of the Russian army. Low morale, losing battles, serious supply issues, orders to kill innocents, desertions and massive equipment losses. Dead Russian tanks and BMP's liter Ukraine. Thousands of them. Russian casualties are so high they are starting to admit it. Ukrainian numbers that were thought to be inflated are now looking very accurate. We are talking well over 20,000 Russian dead at this point. When a large forces has this many major issues...they tend to collapse. Expect mass surrenders and mass desertions. If that happens Putin's Russia could be in peril too. This is defeat in epic proportions and shows the Russian "strengths" are all lies. As more Russian sons come home in body bags or wounded the outrage will build and the more their economy collapses and is cut of from the world, the more likely for major unrest or even armed rebellion. As I stated three and half months ago...this will end Putin and his evil regime. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


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