Truth Bomb by OVD : Ukraine war update

 Hey Everyone,

  So the Russian second assault has started in the Donbass region. There has been a lot of give and take with no big gains by either side. The Russians keep throwing troops at the Ukrainian defenses in the Donbass region only to get slaughtered and repelled. The radio intercepts show how bad it is for the Russians. The Russians are throwing barely trained conscripts at hardened Ukrainian defensive trench lines full of Veteran Ukrainian troops. The best comparison I can come up with is our National Guard trying to attack the US Marine Corps that's dug in full of veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq . It's a slaughter.  

   The west is starting to send more equipment. Artillery is the biggest new ticket item but also more MiG-29's and parts for them. When the new artillery arrives(a week to 2 tops) it will help Ukrainian counter attacks. The planes will help keep the the Russians from gaining air superiority. But it's still not enough to push Russia out. They will need more and modern tanks, SAM's and planes. As it stands the west is treating this like a Proxy War and seem to want to continue it as long as they can to make money and bleed Russia. If this doesn't change this war will go back and forth for years. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian civilians will die and millions more displaced. And Russian is ok with a delay as they hope to put Trump back in office in 2024 and have America leave NATO. Trump is 100% owned and controlled by Putin...his Helsinki meeting showed the world that(I even thought they'd arrest him upon return from that debacle).

  So what can we do as individuals?  

1) Contact your reps and Senators and push for real "Lend/Lease" equipment for Ukraine. Real Tanks and planes etc. and real numbers too. 

2) Vote and fight against any Trumpian types. They work for Russia and are Nazi's so not hard to do.

3) Push your reps and Senators to actually arrest Trump and his COUP co-conspirators and lock them up for good. Or deport them to Russia since they love it so much. 

4) Merrick Garland should be removed as AG and charged with obstruction of justice for not doing his job and allowing COUP conspirators to run free spreading their lies and still pushing for a COUP, for a year and a half now. There is no excuse for this travesty. This isn't incompetence, it's obstruction of Justice. Plain and simple. They should fire him and arrest him on the same day.

5) don't buy any Russian goods or buy goods from any company still doing business in Russia. Let them know why you aren't buying their products. Call them out.

6) Push for electric cars and greening our system. This war as many others have, have shown oil is not only killing our planet but it's giving these dictators funding for their wars. If our Military ran on Green electricity instead of oil...we'd have a HUGE advantage in combat and supply. 

I hope you find this helpful. It seems no one is reading this anymore but I'll still put out a few posts anyways for those that do.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis



  1. Wow, listening to Rand Paul defend Putin's invasions(all of them not just Ukraine) makes me think we should Deport him to Russia or lock him yup as a Spy.

  2. The FBI is offering $10,000 for any Russian spy turned into them. I just turned Rand Paul and Donald Trump should do the same.

  3. I bet you don't get the reward.


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