Otto update : Bday curse hitting hard
Hey Everyone,
So it's memorial day and tomorrow is my Bday(I'll be 55). I've had a migraine for 30 hours now. I have little to no food. Today two friends were supposed to visit. One was on the way over when his truck blew up the others kid got sick. So no visitors. I have no food, little weed and my body is wrecked along with my mind from this migraine. Typical Birthday for me. I'll spend the rest of the day remembering my dead friends and crying. I hope yours is better.
Skol and Semper Fi to the Fallen.
-Otto Von Danger
SGT/USMC and Artist at Large
Semper Fidelis
I'm sorry you're feeling so rough and that I didn't get online in time to wish you the best for your birthday. Doesn't sound like it went very well. I hope you're feeling better now.