Otto Update...Birthday curse starting already

 Hey Everyone,

  So my birthday is only 5 days away and my luck has already turned to shit. I had a friend build me a new computer as my old one was 15 years old and held together with duct tape and bailing wire. It cost me $ I'd been scrapping together for awhile. Another friend hooked me up with a great huge new monitor. Well I switched yesterday to find out this new computer runs on HTMI not none of my monitors work on it, so I'm borrowing a monitor just to be able to put this out. So I need to find an HTMI monitor which are literally the brand new ones that cost an arm and a leg. The monitors I had are now worthless trash. I've tried adapters but 0 out of 9 worked. Once I return this I won't have internet, movies, news or this blog. I will be cut off. I wasted $600 and am looking at $200 for a new small monitor. Also the operating system isn't working so I had to switch my old one over. I'm pissed. I don't think my friend intentionally fucked me over...but he did fuck me over. Now I won't have access to the Internet unless I can find a free brand new monitor of the HTMI And since they are brand one has an old spare. And I don't know if the new Hard drives are ever going to I'm using my old one that is full. 

  If my life is getting this screwed 5 days before my birthday I don't want to find out what's going to happen next. My pain has been exceptionally bad lately too. I have no clean clothes. I'm broke as a goat now. At least I'll have a frozen TV dinner for my Bday instead of going hungry but that's the only good news I have and that could change. Maybe I'll get lucky and just finally die. One things for sure...this will be my last post unless I get a monitor so good bye until then I guess. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. I can borrow this HTMI monitor for a few days. It's my room mates though and I have to return it. I've also discovered the Windows is malfunctioning or not properly installed. I'm ready to throw this computer out the window.

  2. I also lost a friend over this so it's a lose lose situation

  3. I found an adapter that the monitor is figured out.

  4. Glad you got something working. Sucks that you're having such a hard time.

    1. I saved for a year to be able to get last computer was well over 15 years old. I wish I'd saved the money now. I'd be eating food on my Bday.


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