Truth Bomb by OVD : Ammunition for the fights ahead(Rights of personal privacy)

 Hey Everyone,

   So the Supreme Court ruling is real. What is more important is how it's written and it's "argument". It doesn't use legal argument. It just states that THIS Supreme Court doesn't believe in Personal Privacy and any Law including Roe VS Wade and Casey VS Planned Parenthood, that uses "personal privacy" is not valid. 

....take that in for a second...

They are saying because the Constitution doesn't specifically say "You have the right of personal privacy" don't. Even though every Amendment is an example of protecting said "personal privacy".

 So if they use this as their new precedence a lot of protections will go...LGBTQ rights...gone...Civil Rights...gone...Women's rights....gone...and many more. This was their long game. Take over the Court and install Fascism legally. They won...

The problem they have is... ALL of these rights are widely popular. 80% of Americans believe women should have access to safe abortions and and 73% support Roe VS Wade it's self. Also this is what the Republicans have been promising for decades...they won...but you don't see them out there doing victory you? Wonder why ? Because even though this IS what they was really only supposed to be a wedge issue. Well now it will become the Law and everyone is mad about it and freaking out...and I mean everyone. 

  This is our chance. Mobilize...March...Protest...Throw fruit at Trump, I heard he's scared of that 🤣

throw rotten eggs(or whatever) at the "Supreme Court" that just lost all it's credibility by showing it's true colors. Be creative and non violent.

Susan Collins-after Trumps first impeachment " He learned his lesson. He'll be good now***Trump is a sexist, moronic, homophobic, racist, assclown literally everyday after. Also impeached a second time.

Susan Collins-during the three SCOTUS appointee's during Trump "They said they would uphold precedence and Roe Vs Wade. ***Susan Collins now-"I'm shocked they misled me"

Susan Collins is not a good Judge of Character.

We need all hands on is your time to shine!!! Jump in and help where THEY(the women) need you. Don't know how...ask them...they tell you. And remember this isn't just about women's's about ALL of our rights. Labor Laws are based on "Personal Privacy" as an example.  

The time is now and the place is here...lets get to fighting !!!

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. I hope this will wake people up.

    1. We've been warning them for decades...just like Climate Change...yet here we are.

    2. I'm too old to have to fight the same battles all over again.

    3. I'm old and disabled but I'll do what I can.

    4. I hope everyone who wants to stop this BS will do whatever they can. I can't march in protests anymore so I'll have to find some other way to help. I really hoped we wouldn't have to fight this particular battle all over again. And I really hate to think of what the court will do for an encore.

    5. I think they should charge all these Judges with Perjury for their lying to the Senate and strip them of their spots and throw them in prison.


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