Truth Bomb by OVD : How the American media is trying to start WWIII for ratings.

 Hey Everyone,

  So I'm watching the American press, just f*ck up beyond reason. The are trying to say American intelligence shared with the Ukrainians is what's causing Russian Generals and the Missile Cruiser to be targeted. Not only is this a lie and tells Russia to target America...literally egging on WWIII. 

  Lets take the sinking of the Moskva as an example. So what really happened is the Ukrainians spotted it. They asked American intel to confirm it...which we did. Then they sunk it with anti-ship missiles the designed themselves on their own. The American news however reported it like we just told the Ukrainians that this ship was there and ordered them sink it. This is not only bad reporting based on presumptions and lies. It threatens to cause the Russians to respond against the United States. This could cause WWIII. Why would the American press do this...simple...ratings and headlines to make money. What would you do if you were Putin and America's press was saying America is targeting Russian generals and ordering Ukrainian attacks? What would YOU do in that position? 

  You'd figure with the Roe VS Wade  news they wouldn't need to stir the pot in Ukraine for headlines. But apparently they value shock headlines and profit to the very existence of humans. The NY times should be ashamed and fire it's editors and everyone involved in putting out these dangerous mistruths. Now all the rest of the media is following suit and it's everywhere. Just watching them have their bullshit discussions(not news, only opinions of talking heads...just like FOX does) and discuss American intelligence, when they have no clue. All this in a time we need them to step up and help save women's rights. It's sickening. And this is me saying that. You know how much I support a free and fair press. Well this is not journalism...and it's dangerous at best. The only question that should be asked of the NY times is "Are you attempting to start WWIII with lies?"

  Also they don't even mention that targeting generals and such goes against both US Law and International Law. I wonder why they left that out? We just don't do it. 

If this does start WWIII at least we'll know who to blame...not that it will matter. Everyone dies. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


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