Truth Bomb by OVD : How over turning Roe vs Wade will effect Universities and Colleges
Hey Everyone,
So today I want to talk about how over turning Roe vs Wade will effect colleges and universities. As we all know most people peek sexually in their college years and that rape is sadly abundant. A lot of the States that plan to ban abortion leave no exceptions for rape. they plan to force American women to bear rape babies. Some are already talking about banning birth control too. So what happens when your daughter goes to college in a State with these horrific laws? Will she be forced to have a rape baby and give the rapists rights to the child? Will she be imprisoned if she goes home to get an abortion and returns to college? Will she be arrested for using birth control? The answer sadly is yes.
So what can you do to protect the women in your life from these egregious actions? Simple, talk them out of going to school or even traveling to schools in States like this. Explain it to them so they understand why. Similar to the talk black American children go through...this talk will be for all girls...regardless of skin color. But also be aware these laws are mostly to force white women to bear children because it's based on racism and increasing the amount of "white" babies. So white women should be even more aware as they are the primary target.
This also effects the young men too. College kids have sex. One oops and both your lives are over. A life time of child support and court battles. And if they ban birth control too the numbers will be huge. Abstinence is a joke. Try stopping a bunch of 20 somethings from having'll never happen. So protect your male children too. Don't allow them to go to or travel to schools in these Fascist States. Again explain to them why.
Lastly I want to add the people at that age that join the military. If you are stationed in one of these states you are also at risk of the same evil crap happening to you. And yes rape happens in the military too. All to often. So make sure you aren't stationed at any military installations in these States. Request mast to get reassigned and express your reasoning loud and clear. This will force the military to close bases in those states and reassign them for their own safety. I'm sure the DoD doesn't want to deal with thousands of rape babies either. It's immoral and expensive.
If you haven't figured this out yet...we are at war with white nationalists and fanatical religious types trying to force their wishes on Americans. We must fight with everything we have or America will die and become a Fascist Christian Hell. This is why I keep calling on my fellow Americans to walk out of work the day Roe vs Wade is overturned. A national Strike. They only thing these evil doers value over their bigotry is money. lets take that away.
-Otto Von Danger
SGT/USMC and Artist at Large
Semper Fidelis
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