Truth Bomb by OVD : It's time to kick Turkey out of's why...

 Hey Everyone,

  So you may have seen in the news Turkey and it's dictator Erdogan are saying he will block Sweden and Finland from entering NATO. NATO's response should be to remove Turkey from NATO. There are many reasons why....lets 'list them...

1) Turkey is a Dictatorship, not a Democracy anymore. Erdogan has arrested thousands of his citizen's just for disagreeing with him on policy. He's removed, killed or jailed all opposition...just like Putin.

2) Turkey has attacked other NATO countries forces in Syria under the claim that they work with terrorists(the Kurds...a group he is highly bigoted against and has tried to wipe out...yes...genocide). The Kurds were very good and loyal allies against Iraq and Isis. Erdogan's reasoning is purely racism.

3) Turkey's claims that Sweden and Finland support terrorism is 100% bullshit. Not only are both nation extremely peaceful but humanitarian aid to the Kurds is why he's saying they support terrorism.

4) The real reason he's doing this is to kiss Putin's ass. Turkey has flirted with leaving NATO many times and keeps strong ties to Russia. By slowing Finland and Sweden's entry into NATO he is pleasing Putin and it's the ONLY reason he's doing it.

5) The US and other NATO allies don't trust Turkey and won't supply them or sell them any advanced weapons systems because of that mistrust...why have an "Ally" you can't even trust? 

6) By removing Turkey and adding an embargo like the one on Russia currently will help remove the dictator Erdogan from power and could restore Democracy to Turkey...a very westernized nation. 

It's really pretty simple...make a statement(US, UK, France and other NATO members) that if they even try to block Sweden and Finland they will be removed and embargoed. That alone would make them cave...and if they didn't...remove them and blockade the Mediterranean, messing up all Turkey's trade. Turkey has always had bad relations with Greece...get Greece to push them...when they attack NATO takes out Turkey's Military and removes Erdogan from power and put him on trial for his Genocide of the Kurds and murdering his own people. Either way we win. I prefer the later...Erdogan really needs to go. He is Putin level evil.  

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


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