truth Bomb by OVD : "The Northman" is just a Hollywood knock off of Hamlet

 Hey Everyone,

  So I've finally saw "The Northman" and was quite disappointed. It was a bastardized Hollywood version of Hamlet. The action was good and costume design where pretty accurate but it was Shakespeare's imagined version of Dane Vikings(Not Iceland which are Norsk). A pretty standard..."Vikings are evil murderous Pagan brutes"...Racism and Religious intolerance. 

  First off, women were equals in our culture. That includes warriors. Rape was a crime with the death penalty in all Viking cultures(Norsk, Swede and Dane). It wasn't until Christianity that women were subjugated and even then...never fully. Even modern Scandinavians have a lot of Female Leaders.  

  Secondly sacrifices where not common(Animal or Human). For most Vikings it was once every 9 years and all where volunteer's. 

  Thirdly animal totems where used but the whole acting like dogs bullsh*t was just that...bullsh*t. In fact wolves are some of the most horrifying beasts in Norsk Mythology. The stuff you scare children with. 

   So besides costume design, some of the acting and the sets this movie sucked.

I give it a 3 out of 10. Unless you are a Shakespeare fan you can skip this one. Just please remember if you watch it, this was written and based on Bigotry against Scandinavian culture and Pagans in general. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 

It's just Hollywood Hamlet


  1. I haven't heard of this movie, but now I guess I'll pretend I still haven't.

    1. It got huge press...pumping up that it's a movie about Vikings. It's's Hamlet and was the Christian bigoted version of Vikings. You can tell it's fake when Hamlet says he'd never attack a woman, they aren't warriors. Literally half our Viking warriors were women. All the blood rituals and sacrifices was another give away.


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