Truth Bomb by OVD : The real censorship in Social Media is whistle blowers

 Hey Everyone,

  So you see right wing nutters always complaining about being "censored" from their own TV show, Pod cast, blog, twitter, Facebook. which in it's self laughable. They use their huge platform to spread hate, lies, bigotry of every kind and even sedition to over throw the will of the people and the Constitution by installing a "President". Yet they rarely get called out on it. When folks I did constantly...they "jail" your account and eventually ban you. I was banned from Facebook for literally saying "Nazis are Bad." in a conversation about WWII. These sites are managed and run by white Christian Males...who do you think they are going to really censor? Anyone who calls these evil Hate mongers out...that's who. Notice they are all Republicans...even after the switch from conservative to fascist. Don't believe me...go on Twitter and look up some right wing won't take a minute to find some horrifying bigotry with threats of them threats and see what happens. Keep doing that and you'll get banned just like I did. They don't want people calling out these bigots and fascists. So if no one calls it out and it isn't taken spreads hate and disinformation. Which these company's are perfectly fine with. As they rarely "censor" them. But they will censor you for calling it out. We need laws to change this our it will help end our Republic and the Constitution. Just my 2 cents.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. It's odd how people are all over social media talking about how they are being censored. But their bullshit must make money for the companies who spread it. Our rights are being sold out to corporate interests.

    1. yeah...literally saying they are being censored...on that platform. Moronic. The worst part is the idiots that believe those obvious lies.


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