Truth Bomb by OVD : The Republicans, the party of white supremacy, terrorism, fascism and bigotry
Hey Everyone,
So I'm just going to come out and say it. The Republican party has become 100% the party of white Nationalist terrorists, bigots of every kind and fascism. They are actively trying to end our Republic with a white nationalist agenda.
Who do they hate...
African Americans
Latin Americans
Asian Americans
LGBTQ Americans
Jewish Americans
Muslim Americans
Pagan Americans
Atheist Americans
Female Americans
Immigrant Americans
Progressive Americans
Moderate Americans
Unionized American workers
and I could go on...but you get the point.
In fact it's hard to find a group of Americans they don't hate. It's like they hate America and everything we stand for. Except Nazi Americans and white "Christian" know..."fine people"
Ask any Republican running for office these days what are their policies? They won't be able to answer as they have none. Instead they will rattle on about "Replacement theory" and Nazi tactic used by Hitler. You've seen this in the Nazi rally in Charlottesville where they chanted "Jews will not replace us" to the latest Mass murdering Nazi in Buffalo NY quoting it in his evil "Manifesto" . In fact his "manifesto" was nothing but Republican talking points..."replacement theory" being the main one. You can literally see this same simple minded arguments on Tucker Carlson or Laura Ingram's shows EVERYDAY !!!
It's because they have no policies. They preach Hate, Fear and Bigotry. The only thing they are interested in is having power. Of course they always act shocked when people listen to their evil bigotry and act on it like the Buffalo shooter. Then they will start claiming to be victims themselves...the whole basis of "Replacement Theory". It's mind boggling that anyone with an IQ over 70 listens to these evil hate mongers, obvious lies and believe them. You see them trying to censor books, education and even the idea that racism(their whole platform) even exists. They have destroyed the credibility of the Supreme Court by choosing Lying perjurers in order to take away the rights of more than 50% of the nation. They attack children they deem "different" publicly and then say with a straight face they are pro-life. The whole pro-life movement is biased on forcing pregnancies in order to produce more white children out of fear of being "replaced". It's just pitiful and down right evil. Another example is their Support for Putin, even in the Ukraine War(a genocide). 11 Senators and 53 congress people...all Republicans, voted against aid to Ukraine. Traitors to Democracy and the West. Everyone of them. This loyalty to a foreign dictator because he funds and supports their bigotry. They are kindred Nazis.
What will be the end result of all this hate and fear mongering while pushing fire arms...well more Buffalo type mass murders and eventually civil war. Good news is they don't stand a chance of winning, numbers wise. They don't understand ALL Americans are armed...not just the Nazis. And they are, 20% of Americans...tops. Bad news is "America" may never recover. Especially with Climate Change barreling down on us.
What can we do...well first, always call these Nazis out on their bullshit. You may open a few eyes. Secondly vote and get active politically. March for women's rights. march for all our civil rights as they are in jeopardy too. Create a stronger community. Not just politically but socially too. Throw a BBQ and discuss what to do when things go bad. Have a plan. Be ready to fight Nazis and Fanatical white Christians. Arm yourselves if you aren't already. I recommend shotguns for defense. Easy to use, cheap, and wins most gun fights. Take a self defense class. Stay in shape. And the biggest most positive thing you can do is Unionize and support Unions. The Democrats are not going to save us so we must save ourselves.
-Otto Von Danger
SGT/USMC and Artist at Large
Semper Fidelis
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Republicans...the party of Bigotry and Hate |
They hardly bother to hide it anymore.
ReplyDeleteNot at all...some of them attend Nazi Conventions these days...openly.
DeleteYeah, they do.