Otto Update

 Hey Everyone,

  So I'm coming off and 8 hour migraine. I'm having another cluster. It's been a few weeks of migraine hell on top of my body getting worse. The pain is just indescribable. I have edibles and they help a bit but even they can only do so much. Even just getting around my apartment is hard and extremely painful. 

  On top of that we had to cancel FrogBat due to not raising enough money. Those that did give will be refunded. It didn't help that I wasn't able to run the fundraising effort do to GoFundMe. This is a big blow to my(and many others) morale. I don't see ever trying again. Why bother. 

  Economically...I was screwed getting this new computer that still doesn't work and have about 5 frozen crappy meals to get me through the end of the month. So hunger and food insecurity is a constant reminder that this nation hates us Veterans and want us dead. Good thing I'm not hungry while the migraines tear me up. "Humor is like food, not everyone gets it"-Joe Stalin.

  The weather has been...well crazy. Climate change has the bay area going from cold and damp to hot as hell. It changes daily. One day I have to run a heater. the next day the AC. It's hell on my body. All my older friends are hurting from it too. Good news is Climate Change will probably wipe us all out in the next few years. The heat waves I was warning about are all over the nation. Freak storms and twisters. Fires, draught and floods. With us hitting 112 degree's in the South West...that mass migration I warned may happen because of 120+ heat...could very well happen this year. If it does...civilization as we know it in North America will collapse. 

 Which brings me to politics. Watching Nazi seditionists get away with their COUP and many other crimes, knowing Garland won't do anything about it because he's one of them is demoralizing. Seeing 30 Nazi's busted about to attack a LGBTQ pride event, threatening the lives of the cops involved...only to be release on $300 bail each. Is disgusting. These are violent terrorists and their bail is less than a DUI. And it's happening all over the country. Watching the West use Ukraine for a Proxy war to hurt Russia and test weapons systems...and not supplying the Ukrainians with enough so they suffer and die in huge numbers is also demoralizing. This country is quickly becoming a failed Theocratic Nazi Regime is sickening. Watching Christian Preachers call for the murder of LGBTQ, Black and brown Americans while stripping women of their rights is down right evil and an everyday event. On top of not doing a damn thing about mass shootings, while children are murdered daily. You'd think the First Amendment(Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness) would outweigh the 2nd Amendment. But no. Gun profits are more important then our children's very lives. Welcome to 'MeriKKKa 2022.

  So I'm not doing good, physically or mentally. I have little to no hope left and art in my life is dead. 

-Otto Von Danger 

SGT/USMC and Retired Artist

Semper Fidelis


  1. Sitting here with a full migraine...a tooth ache now from the migraine and total body pain. Tears uncontrollably rolling down my face. I don't know how much longer I can take this.

  2. one is reading this anymore. I won't be posting anymore.

  3. I am so sorry. Is there nothing that can be done?

    1. I wish...but no. I just have to deal with it.
      "If it doesn't kill you, it makes you a grumpy old man." -OVD

  4. That really sucks. I used to get migraines, I have no idea why they stopped but, I"m grateful. I've seen commercials for new treatments, but I suspect they are expensive.

  5. I can remember the first migraine I ever had. I was about 9 years old in the back of my uncle's car feeling deathly ill. No one really believed me when I told them how horrible a "headache" was making me feel. Even if they had believed me, there was no money for a doctor, and I don't believe one really could have helped then. Unless they were still prescribing Laudanum for such things at the time. I believe they may have stopped around the time a doctor started treating me for chronic pain. Perhaps the abatement of migraines was a side effect.

    1. They have tried everything and nothing has worked. I talk to my Doctor on July 28th so if there is something new I'll try it. If not I suffer...which is what most of my life has been...suffering. But I've done some amazing thing even though I suffered so much so I look at my overall life as a positive.


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