Truth Bomb by OVD : The Jan 6th COUP hearing and why Garland needs to be prosecuted too

 Hey Everyone,

  I'm sure most of you have seen or seen the reports from the Jan 6th Hearing that started Thursday night. The committee wasted no time in getting straight to the truth, that we all already know. Trump and his cronies are guilty of attempting a violent fascist COUP. All presented in a well done manner too. Liz Cheney just rips the Republicans that supported or still support this COUP, to pieces. The video's and testimony are damning and are displayed very well and are damning. Their evidence shows this was planned from the start with the intention of overthrowing our Government. FOX and the fascist media outlets are going nuts as they know this is the real deal and they are screwed. The committee has done it's job so far and very well. 

  But none of this matters. The only one that can bring charges against these seditionist traitors to America is the Attorney General Merrick Garland. And not only hasn't he even started...a year and a half after the COUP. It doesn't look like he will. For whatever twisted reason Garland is protecting Trump and his treasonous cronies. So once again I'm calling for Joe Biden to fire Garland and appoint someone who will do the job. That person should also charge Garland with Obstruction of Justice, Sedition and Treason  too for purposefully not doing his job and protecting the COUP participants. Garland is the only issue. We all know they are guilty. We saw it with our own eyes. I'd be as bold to say "Merrick garland is a bigger threat to Democracy and our Republic than even Trumpty Dumpty at this point." Yet I seem to be the only one publicly saying it. Is America really that dumb and doomed? We'll know in the next week or so. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. I can't say I've been surprised by the way it is being handled. We are seeing more information, but there is still nothing being done.


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