Truth Bomb by OVD : School Security, the real deal

 Hey Everyone,

  So I wouldn't hold my breath for any kind of gun legislation passing the Senate. The Republicans have made clear they are the party of Death and defending mass Murderers. They will not allow anything, even simple common sense stuff like national background checks or a 21 age limit to buy assault rifles. They are going off about school security lets examine that.

  One of their biggest proposals is to Lock up schools and only have one entrance that is guarded. This is a horrible idea. First of all in every other kind of emergency such as fire, earthquakes, storms etc...this will trap the whole school and get them all killed. Secondly and armed Mass Murderer only has to kill a guard and then everyone in that school is trapped too. No escape. It will make mass shooting deadlier and easier.

  The other idea they always push is Cops in schools. Again this doesn't work. It has never stopped a mass murder but does put our children in danger as these mostly racist cops assault, arrest and murder our children already under these existing police programs. It was so bad in Oakland the Cops were kicked out and aren't allowed on school property unless given permission. Also most cops are cowards and even if they are there, they won't save your children. Exhibit A Uvalde TX. Where 20+ cops stood around for over and hour out of fear while that psycho murdered 21 people. So Cops in schools is not the answer.

  The third one they love to bring up is arming teachers. This is just plain stupid. Most teachers are non-violent. None of them except former military have any training. If cops are too scared to engage mass expect a teacher to engage them? This also means there would be a bunch of guns on campus that kids could steal or take. On top of that some teachers, whether frustrated or bigoted, will use these fire arms against children. It's not an if question, it's a when question. It will happen. So that idea is worthless and counter productive.

  So how could we make our schools safer? Well here's some idea's...

1) Hire more counselors to help children with emotional issues. this will cut down on the amount of kids that go postal(so to speak).

2) Have real escape plans. Forget locking the doors and hiding under desks waiting to be murdered. The schools should have multiple escape routes from every class. Most schools are one one or two levels. Those teachers should have had their students climbing out the windows and fleeing to safety as soon as the shooting starts. That way a shooter starts firing but by the time they get to the class room...everyone is gone. This will at least save many lives. 

3) Police should have a trained response team...that trains at the local schools during off hours. So they know the layouts. A Local tactical or Swat team would do just fine. They should be on duty and in stand bye mode during schools hours. They can also be used for other mass shootings and should know the local malls, theaters and super markets. Mass shooters don't always pick schools. 

4) Laws against Mass murderers. Personally I'm against the death penalty in most cases. Mass murderers is not one. We need to make the punishment extremely severe to make other would be mass murderers think twice. I would make a Federal Law that all Mass Murderers are publicly executed. Pick some horrible horrible as you can imagine...blood eagle comes to mind. Also the Mass Murders identity and all records are destroyed. Like they NEVER EVEN EXISTED. The press not allowed to even mention their names. Erase them. The biggest draw to these evil psycho's is the publicity and fame that come from it. If they knew they'd be Blood Eagled and erased from existence...they'd probably not bother. What would be the point. States could pass similar laws. Trust me...after one blood eagle and that person being erased...mass shooting would decline majorly if not stop. If the Mass Murderer is killed on sight. Just Erase them. No fame. 

If they won't go after guns or pass common sense gun laws...or even if they do, the above suggestions will actually help. What do you think? Any other suggestions? 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


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