Truth Bomb by OVD : The Supreme Court is a clear and present danger to America

 Hey Everyone,

  So I had to make this post, so this would be on the Internet forever. Yesterday the Supreme Court struck down NY's, over 100 year old law banning concealed carry without a special permit. Today the overturned Roe Vs Wade. Both these "decisions" will kill many Americans.  To do this is nothing short of insanity and evil. 

  Lets start with striking down NY's gun law and how the decision will effect us and other laws. First the Law in NY was simple. If you needed to concealed carry(cop, security, body guard etc.)  you had to get a permit. Now with the law struck down anyone can carry a concealed gun and will not be breaking the law. The reasoning the court used was the second amendment should be interrupted as it was originally intended and there should be no gun restrictions. This means all gun laws will be challenged in the near future. All gun safety including the recent bill passed in the Senate will be nulled. If you thought gun violence is bad...wait until this kicks in. It literally turns every American city into Dodge City...pew pew pew. Murder rates will go up, gun accidents will go up, mass shootings will go up, armed robberies will go up, domestic violence will go up. This decision is pure insanity and all the Justices should be disbarred and locked up. And reality the original 2nd Amendment was talking about muskets...not Glock's and AR's. This is so bad even the police are against it and every mayor(either party). And you know this will be used to murder black and brown people at a huge rate. Imagine, a cop pulls over some rowdy teen agers...they are all armed to the teeth. But haven't violated any laws the cop now has to release these obviously dangerous and armed people to go do their crimes...and then respond. Pure madness. If the FBI Finds a terrorist cell and all they have is gotta let them go. Insanity. I could go on all day but you get the point. 

  Next is the overturned Roe VS Wade. This will force rape babies, mothers deaths and millions finding alternate abortions in allies...killing many of them. These are facts and why Roe happened. we are back in the dark ages all so some racists can force white rape babies to sell to adaption companies for rich white people. Also this means 5 of these Judges should be prosecuted for perjury and lying to Congress and the American people as they all said they would support Roe and not overturn it. The lied. They are liars...on our top court. Disgusting and immoral.

  How do you fix this. 

1) Prosecute those Justices that lied, nullify their decisions and get new Justices that aren't liars and evil.

2) Stack the court(Add seats). it's been done many times in America. Time to do it again. 

3) Shut down the country with a National strike until they fix this evil. This is probably the only real chance we have. But Americans haven't learned how to do this yet. 

This is a sad day for America. This court has gone crazy and pure evil. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and retired Artist

Semper Fidelis

The SCOTUS present day



  1. The court is contradicting itself and opening up a big can of worms for other decisions with the same basis as Roe. Thomas wants to revisit laws that would include one that made interracial marriage legal. A strange stance for him. Then there is the fact that three new judges lied during their approval process. I wonder what actions could be taken there. I can remember when there was a campaign to impeach a SCOTUS judge. I'd like to revisit that for those three.

    1. Lying to Congress(and the American people) under oath is a Felony. Justices can and have been impeached. They need to charge and Impeach them ASAP before they do more damage including Loving vs Virginia which made Interracial marriage legal...but Thomas has made clear he's an uncle Tom, so It would surprise me if he went after that too and forced his own marriage to be nullified.

  2. I've seen impeachment suggested but I doubt anyone has the guts to actually do anything. We should never ignore something this big because it might cause upheaval. Ignoring the problem will only make it worse.

    1. If they continue taking away rights....we'll have civil war.


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