Truth Bomb by OVD : Ukraine update and interesting info

 Hey Everyone,

  So the battle for Severodonesk( a factory city in the middle of the Donbas) has been going back and forth the last few days. Ukraine's latest counter attack seems to have cleared the city of Russians. The Russians have made a few small gains elsewhere but so have the Ukrainians. So the Front hasn't moved much. Ukraine is said to be preparing for a major counter attack in July but my guess is that is to throw off the Russians and that attack will start very soon. 

  A lot of Russian units are being slaughtered. Some analysts are saying Russia is out of trained Infantry and so they are using conscripts from the two breakaway regions and sending untrained Russian recruits in with WWII bolt action rifles as seen below :

They are also breaking out 50 year old T-62's as they are running out of tanks. These T-62's are pretty much worthless in modern combat. Seen below :
   I'm also getting info that the second big batch of Javelin's were sent without their special batteries and have been useless. So the Ukrainians have had to  create a motorcycle battery, battery charger for them and have them up and running now. See below :

  Another ingenious thing the Ukrainians are doing, that is really screwing up the Russians is using electric motorcycles and Javelins to go kill Russian tanks. As I have stressed many times in  my blog...whoever uses electric first will have a huge advantage. They are they can ride right up on the Russians without being heard and kill them. Also they don't need gasoline. A solar charger can keep them going indefinitely. Here's a picture :

Another big thing I'm noticing is the amount of equipment sent from the US is getting skimpy again. Making this look more and more like the proxy war I've warned you all about. For instance the US is finally sending some MLRS(Multiple Launch Rocket Systems) with a 40 mile range.. a game changer with enough numbers...we are sending 4...the UK is sending 3. The Russians have thousands of similar systems and we are sending a total of 7. What a joke. I'm sure you're used to hearing our news casters try and squeeze as many thanks from the Ukrainians as they can and the Ukrainians response is always..."that's nice...thanks but we need more...way more." It's got to be frustrating and insulting to them. As they are doing all the fighting and not getting the real support they deserve. However the Spanish are sending Leopard 2 A4 main battle tanks. These are way better than anything the Russian have. lets hope they send enough.
  And Lastly Ukrainian Partisans(Guerilla fighters similar to the Viet Cong or Minute Men) are striking all over Russian held territory. making it a quagmire for Russia. 

Glory to Ukraine
-Otto Von Danger
SGT/USMC and Artist at Large
Semper Fidelis 


  1. People are somehow equating our sending military supplies to Ukraine with the current inflation. Or that's what it seems like to me. When they bitch about gas prices or inflation someone will always ask why we are sending billions in military support to Ukraine. I wonder what price tag would be acceptable to help an ally repulse an invasion. Aren't we supposed to help democratic countries fight back against totalitarianism? The Putin apologists are disgusting.

    1. We spent 1 Trillion dollars a year on our illegal invasion of Iraq...yet they complain about a few billions to defend Europe(and yes if Ukraine falls Europe is the next target...they have already threatened Poland).

  2. Russia invented the AK and they are using Nagants? Are they concerned that their untrained conscripts will waste ammo?


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