Truth Bomb by OVD : What I would do to curb gun violence in this country

 Hey Everyone,

  So as most of you know I am a gun owner. I have one gun. A,12 gauge shotgun for home and neighborhood defense. I'm a retired USMC Sgt and have had years of training and experience with guns. I've used guns in my art installations. So I'm not just some progressive that is anti-gun with no knowledge on the subject.

  The First thing we need is national laws to supersede any crackpot state or local laws.

1) Thorough back ground checks with yearly re-clearance. Plus weapons safety courses. Real ones. 

2) Gun owner age set to 21(most mass shooters are under 21 and have no reason to have a gun or be able to by one. 

3) Violent convicted criminals are not allowed to buy or own guns. This especially includes domestic abuse crimes.  

4) Ban assault rifles. there is a reason the AR-15 is the most common Mass shooting weapon. It's designed to kill humans in large numbers. There is no reason for a civilian(including police) to have one. Period. A special permit can be issued to owners of ranges so people can go rent and fire these weapons safely on a range for fun. But no one should have one in their home. 

The last four things I am adding as even though they aren't aimed at guns they will prevent more of these mass shootings.

1) Medicare for all and revamping America's Mental Health system that was destroyed in the 1980's by Reagan and gang.

2) Poverty leads to a lot of gun violence. Maybe not mass shootings but many shootings. Raise wages. Provide national childcare, free education to PHD, Medicare for all are just a few of the ways we can fight this.

3) Climate Change. One of the biggest factors in most people lives right now is the constant looming threat of Climate Change, when no governments  are doing anything close to a level that will save us. this makes people extremely depressed. Suicides, drug abuse and murders have been steadily going up as more people realize we are screwed and will all die in a few years. 

4) Racism and White Nationalists. Another major factor is all the hate and bigotry in our nation right now. Whether online or on the streets. the FBI and Justice Department need to start taking this seriously and fighting against it. It's one of the leading factors in recent Mass Shootings. These Nazi groups need to be hunted down and shut down or we will have a whole generation of white Nazi boys, mass murdering for racist lies and fear mongering.

And of course there's the last thing. the one holding up anything ever being done in American politics...

1) Make bribery illegal again. Citizens United has made bribery legal and our politicians are now all so bought out nothing gets done. What little might get done is bad for America but great for some lobby. The NRA owns many congress people and Senators. Own them lock stock and barrel. Until this is changed nothing else really will. 

Well that's just my opinion on the problems and how to fix them. As you can see it's complicated. I hope this helps you understand the whole picture and what needs to be done.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. One thing I would NEVER do...Ask Veterans, who have already sacrificed their health and mental facilities to stand guard for free. That's just mean and wrong on every level.

  2. Citizens United is a plague on our country. All the money in politics from special interest groups means politicians are working for those groups, not us. But I can't see politicians doing away with their cash cows.


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