Fourth Of July , Democracy is dying and so are the American people

 Hey Everyone,

  So as I sit here alone and in pain because I served this nation, I read my news feed. Bad idea. Mass shootings all over the nation. One at a Parade even, near Chicago. I see what the "Supreme" Court in the last session, stripping rights, putting more guns on the streets, trying to force their evil religion on all Americans and are actively helping Climate Change destroy life on our planet. I see a huge list of crimes against Trump...crimes we all saw on TV and yet he still hasn't been charged with one...not one single crime out of the long list he's done and admitted too. It all points to one thing.

America or "Merikkka" is a failed state. 

In my Marine Corps career I've been to many failed states. America is on the verge of collapse. Nazis and American Taliban threaten little kids with guns at book readings. They run amok on our streets spreading lies, hate, fear and violence trying to overthrow our Republic to turn it into a Taliban/Nazi type nation. Yet the DOJ does little to nothing. People are still at 1970's wages but we have massive inflation at 2022 costs. people are scared a desperate across our country.  Crime rates are through the roof, yet SCOTUS pushes for more guns on our streets. All while we watch Nazi Taliban states like Arizona and Penn. try and set up their states to strip voters of their rights and not even counting their votes at all. And still nothing is done. 

I have little to no hope for this Nation. If the American Taliban takes over I will honor my oath of service and fight them until they kill me or we kill them all. If California leaves the Union(it's currently picking up steam here in CA as none of us wants to give up our rights or live under and American Taliban)... I will defend California. 

I hope your 4th of July is fun and safe. My is lonely and painful both physically and emotionally. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and retired Artist

Semper Fidelis

4TH of July Mass shootings


  1. Absolutely spot on assessment. If we don't have 100% participation in November we are done. And THAT might not even be enough to stop the slide into a fascist theocracy.

    1. Yeah...I'm not banking on any election in this country anymore.

    2. Until something really drastic happens, and I don't look forward to what that could mean, voting is one of the few actions we can take.

    3. There are candidates on the 2022 midterms ballots that want to do away with vote counting and just pick their candidates of choice. There is a word for that...Fascism.

  2. news...the shooter was a Mega MAGA fan that went to Trump rallies.


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