Truth Bomb by OVD : How to fix the United States of America

 Hey Folks,

  So I've been doing some thinking and have come up with some idea's that could save our Republic and even make it functional.

Here they are not in any order :

1) Make Bribery illegal again. One of the biggest issues in our government is "Citizens United" has made bribery legal. saying it's freedom of speech. That's a isn't. It's the wealthy and powerful manipulating voters and representatives. It needs to be a crime again. Another way to help make this balanced is to publicly fund elections(like Norway) so each candidate has the same resources and TV time as all the others. This would make their idea's and policies the only difference between them. We'd get much better representatives under this system. 

2) Get rid of the racist "Electoral College". This process was implemented to give slave owners more representation and voting power.  Simply make the POTUS votes into one big tally. Who ever gets more votes wins. It also make manipulation by Fascists and Racists impossible. This will also make sure the candidates care about all the states...not just a handful of "swing" states.

3) SCOTUS seats should have a term limit. Any SCOTUS breaking the law or their oath gets them tossed(as a bunch just did by lying under oath). SCOTUS seats could also become elected and like my POTUS election this would be done by tallying up all the vote winners are in. 

4) Get rid of the Senate. Again this was made to give slave owners more power and makes no sense. How does California get the same power as Delaware in government. It make ZERO sense. The Senate is also the biggest obstacle to get anything done in our Republic. If they want to keep it then bigger states should get more Senators. Go by population like the House. 

5) All districts should be drawn up by a non-aligned government agency. no more Gerrymandering by either party. 

6) Make the "Fairness Doctrine" the law again. This makes the news only allowed to state facts and news. Lying or pushing  "opinion" and agenda's will get your News company shut down. FOX and MSNBC would be out and Walter Cronkite type news would be the norm again. Just facts...make your own mind up based on those facts. 

7) Tax the Churches. The reason the churches are not taxed is they are supposed to stay out of government. Clearly this is not the case so they should be taxed...heavily. They are con artists and should be taxed as such. No God needs your money...period.   

8) School funding should NOT be based on property taxes. This gives rich area's a huge advantage and poor ones huge disadvantages. Regular State and Federal Tax money should pay for it by again...population. 

9) Colleges and Universities(especially State Run) should be free. An educated population makes more money and creates more ideas/products to advance our Planet and Nation. It's an safe investment in our future. The current system makes poor people stay uneducated or they have to sell themselves into indentured servitude.  

10) Medicare for all. Simply put it saves money and lives. Every other Nation has it. Big business saves on insurance(a huge part of their overhead) and the government can negotiate better prices. It's a win win for everyone. 

These 10 things would make our Nation one of the best in the world...if not number one. 

Tell me what you think and other idea's below in comments...

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. Brilliant as usual!πŸ‘πŸ’₯πŸ”₯πŸŽ―πŸ’™

  2. Excellent and spot on as always πŸ‘

    1. Thanks...I hope you're recovering from that migraine.

  3. Feel like I'm living in a shit show, come to find out the migraine was least of my problems πŸ˜” my son is now so sick with new variant, I'll be in touch soon as I've a moment to breath , I wanna blow up a Frogbat

    1. Hop Hop...Flap Flap.....It's a Mother F*cking FrogBat

  4. All this sounds like it should be common sense. But, then, common sense if often not very common.

  5. I just say sense since it isn't common anymore


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