My GoFundMe is up

 Hey folks,

 so GoFundMe reacted quickly to me threatening to report them to the VA and Veterans organizations...and my fundraiser is up. This is so I can eat and pay bills for the next few months. I might even be able to get some clothing if it does well enough but food and bills are the priority. Thanks for all that give and please share it on social media as I can't. Thanks.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. Well my account is empty even with the few donations. I could really use some help or my power might get turned off.

  2. I keep reposting on Facebook and Twitter. People often donate plenty to help people pay vet bills but they seem less willing to help a vet. It could also be that my posts aren't getting a lot of views. Sorry.

    1. Thanks for trying Bob....reality is most Americans don't give a damn about us Veterans.

    2. I found that out decades ago when I got back and people threw crap at me and called us all baby killers. Then, after 9-11, people spent a little while pretending they cared until they lost interest again. Or when politicians need a prop.


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