Otto Update

 Hey Everyone,

 I hope you all are doing well. I'm not. I talked to my doctor yesterday and the news was not good. He suggested I just go to a VA Emergency room about my back and it's effect on my legs. They have no plan or way to help me. Then he told me he's retiring. I've had him for about 20 years now so I'll get a new Doctor that doesn't know shit about me or my case, next time I go. This is really bad. They still aren't taking claims either so I have no chance of getting my final upgrade that would have gave me enough to live on. So I'm doomed to beg for help for survival. It's demoralizing.

 On top of that my GoFundMe isn't doing well. It hasn't even pulled in the $300, I lost at the start of the month(room mate smokes deal in Reno...they scammed him into buying menthols and refused to refund him). So I won't have food or smokes for the rest of the month and my power will probably be turned off soon. So I won't be able to go online when that happens. 

  On top of that my pain levels are getting steadily worse. Even getting around the house is so hard I don't. I spend most of my days in bed, screaming in pain or crying. I really wish I'd just die already. I have nothing to live for and the VA has made sure I have no future either. I'm just miserable. Being hungry and dealing with withdrawal isn't helping...when the power goes out I might just end it. 

I will put a link to my GoFundMe below but have no hope it will do any good.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. Yeah...not getting any new donations so it looks like I'm screwed. I guess no one cares anymore...

  2. I can't imagine getting another doctor after 20 years. That's about how long my doctor has been treating me for chronic pain and I don't know how I'd find another. Is there no one who can help you get through the VA BS? I thought there were supposed to be advocates to help with that. But I imagine they are overwhelmed. Would it do any good to contact whoever your representative is?

    1. Yeah it's a major blow to my "healthcare" but he's retiring so there is nothing I can do.


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