Truth Bomb by OVD: Christian Nationalism

 Hey Everyone,

  So you've probably heard the term Christian Nationalist/ism lately in the news. It's the latest scary evil crap being pushed by the Right wing extremists. Their Idea of America is a Christian Nation and Christianity should be forced on everyone here. Those that don't conform are either kicked out or killed. Yeah, that evil. They say the Constitution says nothing about Separation of Church and State. Well that's just a blatant lie. Literally the first line of the first Amendment is clear about this...

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

  If you run into one of these evil morons you can tell them to read the Constitution and "fuck off". Then ask them who Jesus would deport or murder...? The real deal is they are trying to use this religion as a tool to take total power. Fascism with a built in kill list(most Americans are not Christians and those that are are different types of Christians and Americans like LGBTQ that are targeted). The Constitution addressed this because Calvinists and Baptists were fighting over taking control of states and it was a shit show. This has also been backed up by the Supreme Court many times. Even in the earliest days of the United States. So those arguing the bullshit "originalist" theory (like our present Supreme Court) are lying and they know it. These same people are the ones against equal rights for women and many other Americans. They have fooled their "Republican" followers into pushing this evil nonsense. They have realized they don't have the numbers to just take over the Nation violently as the hardcore Fascists are less than 10% of the country and the Military is NOT on their side. So they are hoping to use Religion to sway more to their side and make them even more fanatical. The American Taliban in a nutshell. 

  It's really important to stand up against these traitorous scum. Especially other Christians that don't think murdering half the country is the "way to Heaven". If you fall into this category please confront this evil at your church and in your community. A good way to argue against this is put the shoe on the other foot. What if the Muslims took power and forced their religion on everyone. It's why we have separation of Church and State. So everyone can freely practice their religion without fear of persecution. If that doesn't sway them...then ask them which Christians get the rules? Should the Pope rule our country? Or maybe the Mormons? The point should sink in then. 

-Ott6o Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at large

Semper Fidelis


  1. I hadn't gotten far before I was thinking these nut jobs are our version of the Taliban. Of course, they would argue that they are nothing like the Taliban, but that's exactly what they are. They believe anyone who doesn't believe in their interpretation of the bible should have no rights and should be locked up or killed. They are disgusting and infuriating.


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