Truth Bomb by OVD: Ukraine war update...

 Hey Everyone,

  Sorry I haven't posted anything but personal stuff lately. I'm going through some harder than normal times. I will try and post on other subjects soon too. So this is going to be in the "I told you so" file...go back and read my first post on the Ukraine War, three month's before it started.

  So the lines aren't moving much. The Ukrainians don't have enough equipment for a major offensive. The reason for this is the West is treating this like a proxy war. By prolonging the war the west gets to make heaps of money and bleed the Russians. I disagree with this strategy as it will cost many lives and devastate both nations working classes. You can see this is the case by the slow trickle of real weaponry going to Ukraine. After over a year they have 20 HIMARS. If we wanted them to win they'd have 200 or 2000. We'd have given them M1 A1 Abrams(we have thousands sitting idle in Nevada) and F-16's and the training to maintain them, by now. The Russians have taken a beating and that's why they can't push...Fall mud and winter are around the corner, so it would be now or next summer. 

  What is changing is...a big new factor...Ukrainian Partisans. they are hitting all kinds of Russian air fields and depots way behind enemy lines. Just like their Grand Parents did against the Nazis. Just like I said they would(my family in Norway did the same against the Nazis). Russian civilians are flooding out of Crimea now, out of fear. Russian military morale is non-existent(From many sources). And that's not even the big news. There was just a car bombing of a Famous Russian Nationalist which the Russians immediately blamed Ukraine. Well it turns out a Russian Partisan group claimed responsibility. Russians are now openly targeting Putin's people. Their latest revolution has begun. The troops in Russia hate Putin right now too( part of that non-existent morale). So they will back the partisans and fill their ranks. If Ukraine uses the Winter to devastate the Russian forces, this Russian movement will get larger and fast. This shows this war will end just like I said it would. With Putin getting tossed out "Da Vindow". If the west wants to seal the deal they better start really arming Ukraine...and not just to end the War but also so they can become integrated and eventually join with NATO. 

   For those interested a Russian paratrooper just posted his war memoirs online. It's been translated so you can google it. Great stuff showing just how bad the Russians are doing. It's basically a daily journal from the start of the "exercises" that turned into the invasion to present day. He was injured and decided people need to know what's really going on. It's all over Russian internet. Viva La Revolution.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. Looks like Putin has ordered something that he won't be able to eat.

  2. I've been reading about how worthless Russia's pre-invasion intel was. We knew they believed they could take the capital in a couple of days and capture or kill the president, and we all know how well that worked out. Then Putin seemed to have no clue just how screwed up his supply chains were since graft and black market selling depleted their supplies. With some of his own people working against him now I hope he would get the message that this will not go the way he wants. But, I can also see him refusing to give in and trying to force his army to fight to the bitter end.
    On our home front, I'm appalled at the people who don't want us to help Ukraine. I know the Republicans are way too chummy with Putin, but they aren't the only ones who don't want us
    giving Ukraine what they really need to make decisive moves to drive the Russians out. I'm not sure some of those people want a proxy war, they are whining about the cost. Well, defeating an enemy costs, and the cost is much higher if things don't end quickly. Sending the right equipment, and enough of it, would be much more cost-effective. But that's not what defense contractors want. Too many cooks are stirring this pot.

    1. Anyone against Ukraine right now is against Democracy.


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