Otto update

 Hey Everyone,

  So I'm not doing well. I'm getting less and less contact from folks. My GoFundMe has helped but not enough. Not many donations. So it's the end of the month and I'm almost out of food and rolling cigarette butts again. I did make a chicken stew from a frozen chicken given to me by a neighbor that got it from a food bank. I've had chicken stew for the last week and even though I made it good...I'm tired of eating it. Of course I have nothing else so I do. By next week I'll wish I still had some. 

 The weather here has been crazy. Cold then hot then rainy hot, then cold then rainy cold and now hot again. My body isn't reacting well and my pain is so bad I rarely get out of bed. Especially my left shoulder(where GWS first hit me) and my right leg. Even the pot cookies can't handle this pain. It's overbearing and depressing. 

  Shows wise it's been a horrible summer for TV and movies. So I'm bored out of my mind. The only semi-decent show is Rings of Power and it's a 5 on a 1 to 10 scale. The Thor movie was just horrible, I've already posted about House of Incest and Pedophilia. I'm hoping my Norsk site gets Adar(the new Star wars spin off) soon but it hasn't yet. 

  This blog isn't getting much activity either. Viewership is way down even though all my Ukraine/Russia predictions were dead on accurate. So I don't know if I'll bother posting more. It seems no one cares about Ukraine or me. I doubt anyone reads this post. 

  More and more I'm thinking I'm just a burden and have no use in this world anymore. I thought my brain and analysis was still valued but it's not. My VA doctor is about to retire so I will have to start from scratch with a new overwhelmed VA Doctor. Which at this time seems pointless. 

  I guess I'm saying I'm at the end of my rope and realize there is no anchor attached to the rope either. No one holding the other end. Maybe it's time to just let go.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. If there is an anchor at the end of your rope I hope it's not like one in a Roadrunner cartoon. I'll try posting the gofundme on social media again, but I don't have a huge amount of followers. And I don't think a post gets pushed to the top of notifications if you don't have a big enough account. I don't know what to do to get something noticed.

  2. I forgot about the Equinox. I feel like I should have had some kind of pagan ritual.


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