Truth Bomb by OVD : Fascist Italy and what should be done about it

 Hey Everyone,

 So Italy just elected a fascist government. They are trying to pass themselves off as "ultra-conservatives" but that's just another name for Fascist or Nazi. This is not good at all. We all know what happened last time Italy went Fascist, Germany followed suit and WWII broke out. Millions died. Life under the Fascists was hard and cruel. They murdered with impunity. This is the same type of Government Trump and the republicans want. No Democracy, no vote and no rights and lots of killing. The US did not congratulate Meloni and her fascist party but the Republicans sure did. Like dogs to a food bowl they praised her win and fascism taking over Italy. Showing, yet again their true colors and hate for everything America stands for. Dishonoring all those US and allied servicemen that died fighting Fascism in WWII. 

  So what should be done? First they need to be booted from the EU and NATO as soon as possible. Secondly all products out of Italy should be boycotted. Their economy is already weak and that would collapse it completely. The fascists will blame others and start murdering their fellow Italians in mass, showing their true colors and swing Italy back towards Democracy. Thirdly we should support all non-fascist parties and help them save Italy from the fascist hell it's about to go through. 

  Please warn your friends and family NOT to travel there. You could be killed or worse. Also spread the word to boycott all Italian products. This is not a joke. With the Ukraine/Russia war this could spark WWIII. Expect Russia to try and align with Italy as Russia is basically fascist it's self. Also point out to your right leaning family members how the Republicans are openly supporting Fascism. Remind them their Grand parents fought and died to stop fascism. If they aren't fascists themselves this might be enough to bring them back to the fold. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. Replies
    1. This is a wake up call ... Putin's influence is all over this (same as with the GQP, Brexit and the other fascists taking hold throughout the world.) It appears true what they say: folks who don't study history are destined to repeat it. And we've seen this movie before: it ends very badly.

  2. I'm way too old to go through all this shit again. Did we learn nothing from the past?

  3. It wasn't my grandparents who fought fascism last time. It was my uncles, and my wife's uncles. We grew up with "duck and cover", the Soviet Union, and the fear of nuclear war. We really can't seem to learn from the past.

    1. I grew up as a child in Norway. we have a border with Russia. Duck and cover with added, run to the hills and ambush Russians.


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