Truth Bomb by OVD : Judge example of corruption and fascisms destruction of Law and Order

 Hey Everyone,

  So we all know Trump stole massive amounts of US Documents and Top secret Material. We know he's putting our military and Intelligence members at great risk. We know all his claims and excuses are lies and hold NO water. Yet a judge appointed by him, with no proper jurisdiction has openly sabotaged this case. This "Judge"...Aileen Cannon has decided obstructing Justice and prevent the Military and Intelligence from saving their assets that maybe compromised was the way to go. She appointed a special Master which would only even be applicable if Trump owned these documents, the ones he stole from the US Government. She did so saying Trump may have executive privilege(he doesn't...only the current POTUS does) and it could tarnish his reputation(he's a known Fascist, conman and twice impeached former loser President). These are obvious lies and goes against everything the Judicial System is meant to do. This will put thousands of agents and Service people at great risk...all to delay this investigation for her Master, Don the Con. The corruption is obvious and stupid. This should be appealed and over turned as it has ZERO legal standing and is blatantly corrupt. 

 So what can be done? Well as mentioned above this should be appealed and overturned. Also EVERY lawyer that gets a case in her court should automatically request a mistrial and a new Judge be appointed as she is obviously corrupt and doesn't understand basic law, sighting this case. This should end her career in months. She also needs to be charged with corruption and Obstruction of Justice. It's blatant and obvious and should be a slam dunk case. 

  What will this do? It will slow the case giving Trump more time to try and slime his way out of this. As stated above it will risk thousands of our troops, Intelligence operatives and assets around the world. I think the DOJ should charge and publicly arrest Trump today. He's already inciting violence and this shows he's using his corruption to sway the courts. Right after he's arrested they should appeal this special master BS and also charge this "Judge" with corruption and Obstruction...and if even one of our assets was killed because of this...murder and treason, along with Trump. It's past time to take the gloves off and go straight at these Fascists. The longer we wait and play nice, the more damage will be done to our nation, and the Fascist movement will grow and get bolder. If Trumps arrest causes Nazi riots...good...we can then take them out for good. We way out number them and now, even have the police on our side. Joe Biden speech was good but should have been harsher. These are Fascists and we all know what they do and promote...Evil, violence and mass murder. As a citizen you should call out these fascists publicly whenever they spout lies and promote violence. Whether it's some rando on Twitter or a politician....take the gloves off and let them have it. Also make sure you register and vote. Especially if you are in a purple or red state. Most Red states could be blue if more people voted. Also make sure you check your registration constantly, in case they throw you off the voter rolls(it happened to me and I caught it in time to re-register back in 2016). The war between Democracy and Fascism is on again. Not just here but in Ukraine. They are fighting a huge Fascist power that supports the Fascists here...Putin's Russia. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. ...and like I said, the DOJ filed it's appeal today. This will get tossed out and make that judge a criminal.

  2. I doubt if the judge will face any consequences. Even though it's obvious she is biased in Trump's favor and passing down rulings that are bullshit.


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