Truth Bomb by OVD : Ukraine war update...big news

 Hey Everyone,

  So the Ukrainians announced a counter attack a few weeks ago and pushed Russian forces a bit in the south. Russia responded by moving units and supplies there to sure up their defense. Well it was a feint. The Ukrainians up north attacked hard and fast taking huge area's including Russian logistics hubs. They have captured thousands of Russians and killed even more. What's left of the entire Russian northern army group is fleeing, leaving their gear and tanks behind. Izium has even fallen, which was the center command and logistics center of that Russian Army group. This is huge. Russian tried to send reinforcements but they were captured or annihilated. On top of that the southern force is capturing towns and pushing the Russian too. Russia might be on the verge of losing this war outright. I expect Putin to call for Mass mobilization at his new "emergency" meeting this weekend. That will not go over well in Russia were Russian Partisans are increasing attacks on Putin's people and Russian infrastructure(they want Putin gone) and Ukrainian partisans are making bolder attacks again the Russians behind enemy lines. Everything is going wrong for the Russians. The next few days will be explosive and may determine the entire war. I wouldn't be surprised if Putin was shown the "view" from "Da Vindow" very soon. Look at the street Comrade Putin from Da Vindow...see how far away it is...and getting closer and closer...splat. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. Even cities in the Donbass are being liberated !!!

  2. Appreciated the 'personal briefing' - always good to hear from you brother. The sound of JOY in your voice at this turn in the war was unmistakable, as it is for me! Now let's get them outta the south, and liberate Crimea!

  3. I've been wondering if he's been steering clear of windows these days. At least any above a couple of floors up. I also wonder if the Russian people have ever really supported the invasion of Ukraine or if they were just less likely to protest at the beginning. As they suffer losses and setbacks I can't imagine support would be growing. Now, if the US and the rest of NATO will give Ukraine all the supplies they need to continue to take back their territory. The last thing we need is for the war to drag on. We've had way too much of that.

    1. I imagine getting their sons back in body bags over a Bullshit "special operation" as a major draft will turn the people against Putin and his regime. Many already are.


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