Truth Bomb By OVD : What Biden needs to say publicly to stop the Nuclear question

 Hey Everyone,

  So there is concern that Putin's nuclear saber rattling could lead to tactical nuclear strikes in Ukraine. The only way Putin would even consider this, is if he thought he could get away with it. The West and President Biden need to make a clear public statement saying if Russia uses nukes(or any NBC) we will respond with a massive nuclear strike ourselves. This will ensure Détente. This will also make sure if Putin goes nuts and tries anyways his own military commanders will throw him out the window. No sane person would start a Nuclear war or allow one to happen. If we keep saying we will "respond" without saying how, Putin will take it as a sign of weakness and use them. We need to be CRYSTAL CLEAR. You nuke Kiev and we will nuke Moscow. This will end the saber rattling and actual threat. I still don't think Putin's general staff would allow a nuclear strike but a firm stance by the west will ensure it. 

  We also need to step up arming and training of Ukraine. Next spring the Russians will be doing mass human wave attacks, it's why they are drafting so many(300,000 to a million depending on the report). These will be poorly trained draftees with WWII or worse gear. It will be a gruesome battle. Hundreds of Thousands will die. We need to make sure they are mostly Russians by arming Ukraine with everything we can. Running out of ammo will be a real theat. That's how Human wave tactics work. You keep charging until they enemy runs out of bullets and is overrun. We need to make sure that Ukraine doesn't run out of bullets or missiles or artillery shells. We need to give them F-16's and M1A1 Abrams tanks...asap...and train them on maintenance over the winter. We also need to create a FULL Iron dome in Ukraine so Putin can't murder to many civilians or take out key civilian infrastructure. We know their tactics and plan and how to stop it. All that's left is to implement that defense. Also as stated above the west needs to make clear what the response will be if Putin uses NBC(Nuclear, Biological, Chemical) weapons...or he might think he can get away with it. Sanctions are not viable deterrent.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis



  1. I agree with your evaluation. We and our allies really need to make sure Ukraine is ready. I don't know if Putin believes he can bluff with the idea of nuclear or biological weapons or if he will really do it. Surely he knows he will be even more of a pariah, and face backlash from most of the world if he does, but he likes his strongman image and needs to hold onto power to survive. He needs to be taken out. I don't know who would take over if he is or if they will be reasonable.

    1. Reality is the Russian people need to take him out and start a Democracy and join the west instead of fighting us...which I still don't get. Most Russians I know are highly westernized and would hate living in the Soviet Union or similar country and that's what Russia is about to become fully in the next couple of months, while it collapses at the same time. What worries me more than Putin as if Russia does break apart...who's goi ng to do what with all their nukes and other NBC weapons?

  2. Didn't they lose track of some of their weapons when the Soviet Union fell apart? I guess it will come down to whether they have people qualified and willing to step up and run the country so that it doesn't devolve into chaos. That is, if they can find a way to remove Putin without widespread chaos.


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