Truth Bomb by OVD : What does the "Republican" party stand for?

 Hey Everyone,

  So you may have noticed the "republican" party(I put this in quotes as they are really the Fascist party of Trump now) hasn't really put out their platform for the midterms or even the general future. You're probably wondering why. A good question.  It's a pretty standard thing for both parties to do. List their goals and the laws they want to enact if they take power. So why haven't they stated their goals or platform? Pretty easy, they really don't have one and the few things they want to do are mean, evil and down right un-American. They have become the party of Mean. They don't care what they say as long as it hurts some group of Americans. I will list what we do know they want, from their actions.

1) They are against women's right's and want to take away their choice. Forcing rape babies, incest babies and ruining lives. They even want to force women that will die to give birth. No exceptions.

2) They are against LGBTQ Americans rights...or to even exist. Their rhetoric is violent and goes directly against the Constitution.

3) They want to scrap the American political system and replace it with a Fascist Dictator, the criminal, traitor and conman Trump. As anti-American as you can get.

4) They want to go directly against the 1st Amendment in many ways

   A) Force a single religion on all of us.

   B) They want to get rid of your votes or voting completely.

   C) They want Trump and themselves to be above the Law. 

    D) They want to ban or burn books(yes just like the Nazis and the Communists)

5) They want to hurt the working class as much as possible. Stripping Social Security and Medicare away. Make Unions illegal. Keep wages low. Make public education fail and make higher education unaffordable. I could list many more but that would be a post in it's self.

6) They want to hurt Veterans. Our claims system is still so messed up from Trumps 4 years they aren't taking any new claims and are 3 years behind. They vote against every law that might help Veterans including the Burn pits law just recently. 

7) They want to tax the poor and give to the rich. Basically the opposite of Jesus or Robinhood. Again look at what laws they push and which they oppose.

8) They are against rebuilding our Infrastructure. Most of them voted against the Infrastructure bill the Democrats passed and all amendments to fix infrastructure attached to other bills. 

9) They are against saving our planet from Climate Change even to the point of making it worse. They are pro-oil and Coal. Things that make it worse and keep us reliant on places like Saudi Arabia, Russia and Iran. They are very against green energy in every form. 

10) They are against Immigrants. We are a nation of Immigrants so this goes against our core beliefs.

11) They are against all black, brown or Asian Americans. To them the seditionists that attacked our Capital are "Patriots" but Black Lives Matter protesters, peacefully protesting the murder of innocent, unarmed Americans because of the color of their skin are "Terrorists". 

12) They are against your right to privacy(How they explained overturning Roe states this explicitly).

13) They are against the Truth and the Rule of Law...this is easy to see in the case against Trump and the Top Secret Material he stole. The wacko conspiracies they promote and pedal. They won't even admit Trump lost the election. Math doesn't lie, Trump lost and badly. 

14) The are against the word Antifa, meaning anti-fascist. Which makes them Fascists by admission. 

15) They promote Hate and Bigotry of every kind against Americans. 

This is their platform....these are their goals. They must be stopped. Please register to vote, check your registration often in case they take you off the voter rolls and VOTE. This isn't inconsequential anymore. You stand to lose your Rights, Freedom, your Country and even your life. 

It's time to make the party of MEAN extinct. 

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis



  1. Their "platform" seems to be criticizing Biden for things he can't really control while proposing nothing to fix any problems at all. So, yeah. They've got nothing but cruelty and meanness.


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