Truth Bomb by OVD: Why I won't watch House of Dragons anymore

 Hey Everyone,

  So like most Sci-Fi/ Fantasy fans I was thrilled when Rings of Power and House of the Dragon hit the airwaves. But after 4 episodes of House of Dragons, I just can't watch it anymore. It's nothing but Incest and Pedophilia. The action scenes suck and the tactics are worse then the end of Game of Thrones. The acting is meh at best and the writing is just pitiful. On top of that both actresses that had sex in episode 4 are under age(under 18). So HBO is literally selling pedophile smut. It's disgusting. Rings of power isn't fantastic but it's way better than House of Incest and Pedophilia in every way. You'll also notice the sexists and racists don't say anything about House but condemn Rings daily. That should be enough to tell you which show to watch.

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. I never watched any of that drivel. I would feel the same way you do if I did.

  2. Fuck pedos. And fuck their enablers. I won't be watching any of that crap.

  3. I lost interest in Game of Thrones when the TV version veered so far from the books. I was curious about House of Dragons but I can see that I should give it a pass. I haven't seen any of Rings yet. I'll check it out. Thanks for the commentary.


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