Truth Bomb by OVD : The 2022 Midterm Election, Democracy or Fascism

 Hey Everyone,

  So as promised here's my thoughts on the 2022 Midterms. I'll get right to the point...this election is about Democracy vs Fascism. The argument that Republicans can make the economy better is ludicrous, their policies always crash our economy. As for crime, well most off that crime is from not having common sense gun reform and Right wing terrorists. As you know I'm an Independent voter. I'm not a big fan of the Democratic party. That being said, I voted last week via mail and voted straight Democrat down the Ballot as I support our Constitution and Democracy. Voting for Republicans or NOT voting, is voting for Fascism. 

  The Democrats have done some really good stuff the last 2 years. A huge Infrastructure Bill, a Climate Change Bill, a Gun safety Bill, Ukrainian support and have undone a lot of the Damage Trumpty Dumpty did. Just to name a few. The Republicans have done nothing but try and make things worse. 

  The "Republicans"(they should rename themselves the Fascist or Nazi party of America) have publicly stated their plan. 

1) Tax the working class and cut government programs that help them to pay for another Tax cut for the extremely wealthy. 

2) Strip women's rights completely and ban all abortions nationally and birth control soon to follow.

3) End free and fair elections. Giving themselves the ability to disregard and throw our votes away and install who they want. 

4) Destroy the American(and world) economy to make Biden look bad and force the their vile legislation.

5) Make laws against minorities including the LGBTQ community.

6) Force Christianity on the Nation

7) Make themselves above the Law destroying Law and order.

8) Supporting and inspiring Right Wing Terrorists to do violence actions across our nation.

9) Stop supporting Ukraine and aid Russia in their geocidal, Imperialist attack.

If they do take power and end American Constitutional Democracy they will go after the follow targets...

LGBTQ Americans, Black Americans, Latino/Hispanic Americans. Asian Americans, Jewish Americans, Muslim Americans, Pagan Americans, Atheist Americans, Disabled Americans, Unions and Union working Americans, Veterans, Immigrant Americans, Educated Americans, Poor/working class Americans, Democratic Americans, Progressive Americans, Scientists/Doctors in America and the big one ALL Female Americans, plus anyone who supports the above mentioned Americans. Which is most of America. So if your on that list expect them to put you in a camp and eventually murder you.

That is how Important this election and the elections in the near future are. I will leave you with this familiar quote and urge you to vote, volunteer at the polls and get others to do likewise.

First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.

—Martin Niemöller

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis


  1. Well put as usual. I voted blue as well!

  2. All blue here from my whole immediate family (4 of us). My kids are now old enough to vote!

  3. I'm sitting here in my red state dreading the results of the elections.


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