Yule 2022

 Hey Everyone,

 So the Yule starts on Wednesday December 21st this year, Odin's day...fitting. I will be having my yearly Yule gathering at my place from 6pm until 12pm at the latest. Even though I don't drink anymore, due to the damage Gulf war Syndrome has done to my organs, I will still be making my Great Great Grandmothers Mulled wine. It is to die for. It tastes great and has a real kick. I will also have the Traditional Yule Ham(spiral ham with my own home made honey/brown sugar glaze. We will also have other treats and foods plus Pot cookies and the infamous tray of joints. 

 My place is located at 3003 MacArthur Blvd Apt 2 Oakland CA 94602. The Front door to the building is unlocked and the back door is open. The apartment is on the second floor. It's #2 and clearly marked.

 You don't need to bring anything but more food, treats or drinks are always welcome. It's usually pretty small. I few friends and neighbors. Anyone can come. I maybe Pagan but all religions and non-religious folks are welcome. 

  I've had a very hard year and hope to see many folks there.

Happy Yule Tide

-Otto Von Danger

SGT/USMC and Artist at Large

Semper Fidelis 


  1. Was finally able to post a comment. I am not sure if I will be up for your Yule gathering, but will come if I am.

  2. I wish I didn't live almost on the other end of the country. Good to see you post something. I've been wondering where you were.


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