Truth Bomb by OVD : Who would vote Republican?

Hey Everyone, So the republican party has become a cross between the Nazis and the Taliban. They don't really have any policies accept hurting the American people. They are against anything that would make life better for working Americans. They aim to strip rights away from women and minorities. They spew fear and hate daily. So who would vote for them? Women shouldn't as they have already stripped many of your rights and plan to strip more making American women basically property and incubators. People of color(black, Hispanic, or Asian) shouldn't as the Republicans have embraced white supremacy and target them for violence and incarceration. Jews, Muslims, Pagans and Atheists shouldn't as the Republicans are trying to force Christianity on us from public schools to sports games. They also target you for violence. Immigrants shouldn't as we all see how they blame us for everything. We are also targeted for violence and incarceration. Educated people and those...