Truth Bomb by OVD : They are Fascists, stop calling them anything else

Hey Everyone, So you'll hear terms like "Far right", ""right wing extremists", "Alt. right", "Ultra-conservative" and even "Republican"...these are all false terms that we need to stop using. The people they are referring to are FASCISTS. They have both told you as much and shown it with their actions. When someone tells you who they are, believe them. By calling them these nicer, sterilized terms you help them hide in plain sight. We need to all start using the proper terms, Fascists and Nazis, because that's what they are and by doing so you actually inform and warn people more effectively. America is already in a civil war. The fascists are trying to strip most Americans of their rights and end our Democratic Republic. We need to fight back with everything we have. Sadly this will become more and more violent....Fascists use violence as their main tool. So be ready for it. I still say the easiest way to get our rig...