Truth Bomb by OVD : Food and the East Oakland Collective

Hey everyone, So a few folks recommended I check out the East Oakland Collective. They deliver food and meals to disabled and old folks for free here in East Oakland. They made their first delivery to me today and I was amazed. It was good quality food and even snacks. I should be getting them on average once every two weeks. They will definitely help my food budget. Most of those free food places give you crap food a dog wouldn't eat so I'm always hesitant but I'm very happy with this delivery. It even had some cleaning supplies and TP, paper towels and Masks. If you know anyone in East Oakland that is disabled and struggling I highly recommend the try the East Oakland Collective. Those that donate to charities this is a worthy one. -Otto Von Danger SGT/USMC and Artist at Large Semper Fidelis