
Showing posts from February, 2022

Why Ukraine should be called Eastern Texas

First off This is Dark humor...Ukraine is Ukraine...that being said Ukraine should be called Eastern Texas as now everyone has a gun, and is shooting illegal Immigrants...the Russian Armed Forces. Telling them to get off their yard and standing their ground. Plus they are holding out like the Alamo. And everyone's's best not to mess with Texas.  Ooh-Fucking-Raa  -OVD

Truth Bomb by OVD : Ukraine is holding out

 Hey Everyone,   I know all the sanctions and what not are keeping the talking heads busy. But that shit won't save Ukraine. What will is Ukrainians and arms shipments from the west. And the Ukrainians are doing a great job. Russian causalities are all ready so bad the Russians stopped posting them. Ukraine has lost less than 200 people. They are blowing up Russian tanks, planes and BMP's(armored personnel carriers) like clockwork. The Russians have been unable to get a foothold in ANY Ukrainian city. Not one. They are frustrated and demoralized. When Russia does try harder(with a massive force) the casualties will be astronomically high. The Ukrainian government even put out video's, TV and radio on how to build home made bombs and Molotov Cocktails and ambush strategies. It's brilliant .    On another good note Germany is finally sending lethal help...more importantly they are sending 1000 anti-tank missiles. And they have good ones. Longer range and more punch(rem...

Otto Update

 Hey Everyone,   So I'm still looking for a new room mate. I was going to repaint the room when I discovered many more holes in the walls and ceiling. So even though it's butt ass cold here(49 degree's now at noon) I patched them all myself this morning. The pain is off the charts. Tears are running down my face as I type this, bad. But I got it done. Since I've have zero help offered I will be painting it tomorrow as the patches will be dry enough.    On the Swords to Plowshares front...I've jumped through every flaming hoop except for a new Social Security card which I finally got an appointment for on March 10th and I have a ride locked on for that. They say they will cover this month and next and set me up for 60% relief payments after that. Of course talk is cheap and I haven't seen a dime so I'm a month behind already. Stress is mounting. But my landlords know the situation and are on board to help Swords make it happen.     Socially I haven't se...

Truth Bomb by OVD : The War so far

 Hey Everyone,  So everything is going just as I told you. The Ukrainians are putting up a good fight. I can't confirm this but the Ukrainians put out this list of The Russian war machines losses.... 6 Helo's 30 Tanks 130 Armored vehicles(BMP troop Transports) 5 Airplanes  3500 Russian troops and a Platoon of Russians surrendered to the Ukrainians saying they didn't know why they were there. Remember most Russian troops are conscripts and have no want for war.    To put that in perspective that's more than we lost in the Gulf War(2 years) and this is day 2. Not bad for an out numbered out matched force. Then there was the 13 Ukrainians that were on Snake Island. A marine research lab. They held out against the Russian navy. The Russians told them to surrender and they promptly told the Russians to "Fuck Off". Now that's some hero level shit. Also as I said the weak Russian economy is ripe to fail when the sanctions kick in. In Moscow and St. Petersburg the...

This one time at Band Camp


Truth Bomb by OVD : The Ukraine situation

 Hey Everyone,   So I've made many posts about this and have been right so far. So I'm taking a minute to break it down so everyone understands better.  First of all this has nothing to do with Ukraine joining NATO and everything to do with Putin's quest to rebuild the former Soviet Empire. 8 years ago the Ukrainians had a revolution. Forcing the pro-Russian president to flee to Russia. the reason is, Ukraine wants to westernize. Living under Putin's yoke means secret police, shitty economics, cut off from the rest of the world and your resources and people are pillaged for Putin's use. Putin's plan was to test the west by taking Chimera and then the eastern provinces. When the west barley responded(Pointing to how Treasonous Trump was when he undid sanctions against Russia for Crimea ) it gave the green light to this up coming invasion in Putin's mind. And have no doubt, Putin will invade. Why is this a for sure. Let me explain. He has assembled over 190,00...

Truth Bomb : Tucker Carlson is a Traitor and a sexual predator

 Hey Everyone,   So in the last few weeks everyone has been talking about Russia's getting ready to invade Ukraine with no legal reason. Just plan aggression for territory. Exactly like Hitler did in the 1930's. Everyone agrees Putin is the bad guy and needs to be stopped...except of course Tucker Carlson who is using his show to spread Russian lies and even sides with Putin. Aiding an enemy in their evil quest. As soon as the war starts Tucker should be arrested and put on trail for Treason. He's already proven he's a traitor to our republic by spreading disinformation about...well everything from Trumps loss in the election to Jan 6th being a "peaceful protest" to Covid and vaccines. Endangering millions of Americans and fighting publicly and actively against  Democracy and the rule of law. His latest is trying to sexualize AOC. He obviously has some twisted fantasy about her as he spouts his creepy crap on TV about her. Of course she shreds him when he does...

OVD update and new room ad listing

 Hey everyone,   So I've been working with Swords to Plowshares to help with my rent. It's been an ordeal of jumping through hoops for various government agencies. Taxing and demoralizing as our government is broken. Covid has made that even worse. But they say they can pay this and next months rent and can assist with 60% for 2 years after that. Once all the flaming hoops are jumped through. So I'm kind of in limbo. What they say is nice but until it happens I'm falling behind in rent. I still trying to find a room mate and put up an new's the link If you know anyone looking that would be a good fit please have them contact me. Thanks. Please share it on social media as I can't   The weather here turned really bad for Valentines as I said in my VD post but has warmed up so the pain is back to normal and I can get out of bed now. Also I did buy some food...I got tir...

Truth Bomb by OVD : Is the republican policy really nothing?'s so bad they won't say it

 Hey Everyone,   So you'll see the Media talking about how the Republican Party has no policies. When asked what the hell is their policies will be if they win the midterms. Mitch McConnel answered "You'll find out when we win". They took that as "no policies" which is wrong. The reason the Republicans don't state any policies are idea's is because if they said them publicly they wouldn't get any votes except from Nazis.  So what are their policies...I'll list them 1) Obstruct anything the Democrats try to do. For no other reason but to make them look bad. Even good things. 2) Fascism. Many are almost openly embracing ending Democracy and creating a Fascist state very similar to Nazi Germany and Mussolini's Italy. The last year of fighting against probes of the COUP attempt on Jan 6th and pushing things like jailing Hilary and killing her staff....I have no love for her but this is Nazi murderous talk. They want a full on Police state bas...

Truth Bomb by OVD : Are the Trumps finally screwed?

 Hey Everyone,   Remember watching Trump and gang commit 10 crimes a day and getting away with it. Up and to including his seditionist COUP attempt. And every time it's an outrage until his next crime. Well that's about to change. The accounting firm that does Trumps taxes just publicly dropped him and said his last 10 years of taxes and bank loans are fraudulent. This is all the DA in NY needs for her case. It should be a slam dunk. The best part is it won't just send Don the Con to prison but also his evil little crotch goblins Cocaine Jr, Eric and Ivanka. Tax fraud alone will get them all. I can't wait to see the perp walks on the news. -Otto Von Danger SGT/USMC and Artist at large Semper Fidelis   

Truth Bomb by OVD...another VD

 Hey Everyone,   So I had prepared myself for another boring lonely VD (Valentines day) when yesterday I got a call from a beautiful woman I like hanging out with. She invited me over for a fire pit in her back yard with friends...but wanted me to show up early. Of course I said yes and got all excited. It was a great feeling... ...and then I woke up to clouds and 40 degree weather. So cold and humid I can hardly get out of bed. When she called to confirm today I had to decline as I can't even walk, let alone ride over to her place and hang pit or not. I offered for her to come over here but she wasn't interested anymore I guess.   So another shitty...well even shittier VD for OVD.  I hope yours is better than mine.  -Otto Von Danger  SGT/USMC and Artist at Large Semper Fidelis

Truth Bomb by OVD : Why the Olympics should be scrapped

 Hey Everyone,   So the winter Olympics were held in Beijing China...even though there is no snow there. It all had to be made. Why? On top of that China's treatment of the Athletes and the press has been nothing short of horrific. The Olympics should never be held in an un-free Nation like China....NEVER...yet here we are. Of course China is using this opportunity to fan the flames of it's national rhetoric. Even allowing Americans of Chinese decent on their team to compete(these Athletes should be deported and never allowed in a western Nation again...and in some cases their families too...I wasn't allowed on the Olympic team in the 1980's because I was born in Norway for Cross country skiing). Also using the judges to disqualify non-Chinese  athletes in numerous events to get China medals it didn't deserve or win.    All that is a good enough argument to end the Olympics but wait there is more. Even though Russia is known and been caught doping their athletes...

Truth Bomb by OVD: Love is in the air and Putin loves war

 Hey Everyone,   So I'm just going to come out and say it. I expect Russia to attack in the next few days. Instead of drawing down the Russians have increased their build up and sent most of their Navy to the Black sea. This operation is costing Russia money it doesn't have so they must be invading. It will cost them a lot more once it starts. Expect full embargo's from the West and NATO build up and Ukraine will become another Afghanistan for Russia. It will cost them tanks, planes and troops they can't afford not to mention the Russian people aren't backing this war. It will lead to Putin's downfall and hopefully we can westernize Russia and get them to join the rest of the free world.    The Russians will come in hard and fast and Ukraine and Kiev will "fall" but the guerilla war that happens right after that will be devastating to the conscripted Russian troops. Of course I support the people of Ukraine against this evil act of aggression.    Remem...

Truth Bomb by OVD : Dear Canada...

 Hey Everyone,   So you may have heard about the "Trucker" protest in Ottawa Canada. It's a bunch of right wing nutters blocking the roads in Canada because they want the right to commit suicide and kill others randomly with the Covid-19 virus. First thing you should know is most of these plague Nazis are from the USA not Canada. And they are being funded by Nazis and hard right Christian groups.  The 'protest" is over vaccine mandate for cross border truckers.    Well here's my advice to Canada. First of all it's not only your national right to insist on vaccines(many vaccines are mandatory to enter many nations around the world) but it's the right thing to do. The answer is simple. Grab your Mountie's and a bunch of tow trucks and arrest them all. Impound their trucks and attach the appropriate fee's and fines on those trucks. Deport the Americans and black list them(this will also in effect block them from commonwealth countries too such as...

1883 Rating revised

 Hey Everyone,   So a few weeks back I rated a bunch of shows and movies. One of them was "1883" a prelude to Yellowstone. It started off strong with Small pox, dysentery and lack of clean drinking water. The violence and lack of civility was as it should be...but then it got nicer. The women were treated as equals or better and the one black man has yet to deal with a single racist remark or incident even though there are confederates in their group and they are in the lawless west. I love the character but reality is gone. The worst was it became less a show of survival and real life in the late 1800's and more like "Emily went to 1883". It's all about the coming of age of a beautiful young woman with blond hair and big brown eyes. She's noticeably  pretty. And I'm all for young women's stories but she's be stoned to death by the Christian's for half of what she's said or done...let alone unwed intercourse and openly flirting with.....

Link to my ad for the room for rent

 Hey everyone,  Here's the link to my new ad. It only stays up 7 days so I will have to redo it then. -OVD

Peacemaker...the surprise hit show of the year

 Hey Everyone,   So as I get bored and have too much time on my hands because I'm disabled...I watch a lot of TV and Movies. You may have read some of my reviews in past blog entries. Every once in awhile something is so good it gets it's own post. Like "The Expanse". Well a show I had no hope for turned out to be fantastic. I Had seen the latest "Suicide Squad" and was not impressed. But the dark humor and the philosophy is off the charts. It's very fun but makes you think(something I like to do, and I was uncool before it was cool to be The special effects are great for this kind of show...and the Dark super hero humor is better than even "The Boys". The writing is great and the acting phenomenal. And I haven't even got to the best part...which is also the best character... Eagly  Eagly is Peacemakers "pet" Eagle and steals the show. Trust me...after watching 5 minutes of Eagly, you will want an Eagly in your life...

Truth Bomb by OVD : The VA is broken

 Hey Everyone,   So yesterday I went to the VA(admin not medical) to turn in a new claim as they have lost my last three and took a year each time to tell me, as they were closed on Wednesday. I went up about 8:45 am and the door was locked but lights on. I knocked but no answer. So I waited until 9 am and gave another knock. This time a Plt Sgt type of knock(it would have waken the dead)...still no response or sounds coming from the office. So I left. I called their appointment line which is an answering resonse so I called again. 3 hours later I got a response. The guy said he was in the office...I told him I knew that was a lie because I had knocked twice. The are not taking appointments and said I'd have to mail my claim. I said if they get it how long would it be for a response. He said double what we used to wait or longer(1 year as stated above so now 2 years or longer). So basically they aren't even doing claims. Leaving millions of us Veterans to suffer. ...

So mad at the VA right now

 Hey Everyone,  so I headed to the federal building today to turn in my newest claim to up my disability so I can live like a human being...walked the 300 meters to the door only to find out they are closed and have new restricted hours. No email or letter from them ever. Now I'm in pain like a mfer and have to try again tomorrow.  -OVD

Truth Bomb by OVD : How to deal with Russia and Ukraine

 Hey Everyone, So no one seems what to do as they wait for Putin to invade Ukraine. They hop economic threats will sway Putin away. This is the wrong approach. Putin's argument is that he doesn't want NATO to expand. Say Russia is being stopped from "growing" or Russia has a right to invade sovereign nations.  So what I'd do as POTUS is simple. I'd start sanctions today. I'd let Ukraine join NATO and start putting troops in TODAY. Call Putin bluff and show we won't back down from his aggression. He will as no one wants a nuclear war and he'll want to end sanctions as Russia is already doing shitty economically and sanctions could lead to him being deposed or worse. Putin knows this. He's gambling on the wests response being measured and weak as it is so far. Putin was also counting on the Traitor Trump to still be in power and giving him the green light to invade. This didn't happen making his gamble even more perilous.  -O...

Things are sorted...I guess your stuck with me

 Hey Everyone,   So I've got some great news. Swords to plowshares finally contacted me and they said they'd be able to help for up to six months. On top of that my good friend and fellow Marine John aka Gunny FlusterCluck gave me enough to cover this month if swords doesn't come through in time. Also I'm turning in my new VA claim tomorrow. Hopefully they won't lose this one like they did my last 3. If it goes through I'll be set and be able to help others and no longer need help least financially. So things are looking up. The long walk will have to wait.   I'm still looking for a room mate and will post my new ad tomorrow(they only stay up 7 days). I'll put a link on the blog too.   Thanks for giving a shit  -Otto Von Danger  SGT/USMC and Artist at Large  Semper Fidelis