
Showing posts from May, 2022

Otto Update...successful 55 orbits around the sun

 Hey Everyone,   So at 3:33 pm, 55 years ago I started my space odyssey orbiting this systems sun. Right now I'm fighting another migraine, I'm in massive pain and I'm so broke I won't be eating tonight...tomorrow my check hits. So I'll eat then. On the new computer, I got an adapter for the monitor that works but still trying to un-fuck the Windows and the 2 hard drives I can't access. So that computer so far has been a bust. I saved all year for that. I'm pissed to say the least. At least I can still access my old hard drive and post this and watch TV. I'm hoping my luck turns around now that my Birthday is almost over. Nothing new to report otherwise. Now I'm going to "gently" beat my head against the wall and try and lay down. -OVD

Otto update : Bday curse hitting hard

 Hey Everyone,   So it's memorial day and tomorrow is my Bday(I'll be 55). I've had a migraine for 30 hours now. I have little to no food. Today two friends were supposed to visit. One was on the way over when his truck blew up the others kid got sick. So no visitors. I have no food, little weed and my body is wrecked along with my mind from this migraine. Typical Birthday for me. I'll spend the rest of the day remembering my dead friends and crying. I hope yours is better. Skol and Semper Fi to the Fallen. -Otto Von Danger SGT/USMC and Artist at Large Semper Fidelis 

Otto Update : Hell Night

 Hey Everyone,   So last night kicked off about 8pm for me. I've already been struggling from extra pain and cold weather when BAM...a migraine hits me. It kept me up all night. So around 3 am I decided to have a bowl of cereal. My buddy had just picked up some new milk for me that day. Well that milk had already gone bad. the expiration date was tomorrow but it didn't make it and neither did I. I threw up for a few hours. So now my body is wracked in pain, I have a full blown migraine and food poisoning. I can barley type this. -OVD 

Truth Bomb by OVD : Texas proves it's time to defund police

 Hey Everyone,   So new information has come out from the horrific school shooting in Texas. First there was an armed cop in the building...who didn't do jack shit. If the Police are only going to harass and murder students and not protect them...they need to be removed. Period.    Secondly it turns out the Police response was to afraid to engage with the shooter, so they let him murder those children. On top of that they tackled and tazzed the parents that were trying to go in to save the children. So apparently, the only time the police are "brave" enough to do something is only when murdering unarmed black Americans. Why even have a police force? They literally only do evil and when given a chance to prove otherwise, they not only won't, but prevent others from helping to...violently.    Meanwhile the Nazi party(Republicans) are spewing the same old bullshit even though this proves once and for all, without a doubt...a highly armed police force ie good g...

Otto Update...Birthday curse starting already

 Hey Everyone,   So my birthday is only 5 days away and my luck has already turned to shit. I had a friend build me a new computer as my old one was 15 years old and held together with duct tape and bailing wire. It cost me $ I'd been scrapping together for awhile. Another friend hooked me up with a great huge new monitor. Well I switched yesterday to find out this new computer runs on HTMI not none of my monitors work on it, so I'm borrowing a monitor just to be able to put this out. So I need to find an HTMI monitor which are literally the brand new ones that cost an arm and a leg. The monitors I had are now worthless trash. I've tried adapters but 0 out of 9 worked. Once I return this I won't have internet, movies, news or this blog. I will be cut off. I wasted $600 and am looking at $200 for a new small monitor. Also the operating system isn't working so I had to switch my old one over. I'm pissed. I don't think my friend intentionall...

truth Bomb by OVD : America's insane gun craze

 Hey Everyone,   Another day another mass shooting...this time little kids...again. Another outrage for 10 minutes...and then the next mass shooting. I don't even know what to say anymore. If children being mass murdered isn't enough I don't think anything could change things. The standard Nazis are already spewing lies and pro-gun non-sense. Maybe they would have cared if it was a Trump rally...or a few of them. But I don't even think that would effect these evil morons. I don't know what to do or say anymore...what's the point. It's like arguing with a 4 year old that just doesn't grasp reality. Maybe some people do need to start shooting up Trump and pro-gun rally's...maybe that will open their eyes to this senseless violence and death. Maybe seeing 20 dead MAGA's might effect their cold dead hearts...but I wouldn't hold my breath. Margorie Tayler green being my perfect example of how a stupid moronic disgustingly evil Nazi C*nt reacts to ...

Truth Bomb by OVD : How over turning Roe vs Wade will effect Universities and Colleges

 Hey Everyone,   So today I want to talk about how over turning Roe vs Wade will effect colleges and universities. As we all know most people peek sexually in their college years and that rape is sadly abundant. A lot of the States that plan to ban abortion leave no exceptions for rape. they plan to force American women to bear rape babies. Some are already talking about banning birth control too. So what happens when your daughter goes to college in a State with these horrific laws? Will she be forced to have a rape baby and give the rapists rights to the child? Will she be imprisoned if she goes home to get an abortion and returns to college?  Will she be arrested for using birth control? The answer sadly is yes.   So what can you do to protect the women in your life from these egregious actions? Simple, talk them out of going to school or even traveling to schools in States like this. Explain it to them so they understand why. Similar to the talk black American ch...

Truth Bomb by OVD : The real censorship in Social Media is whistle blowers

 Hey Everyone,   So you see right wing nutters always complaining about being "censored" from their own TV show, Pod cast, blog, twitter, Facebook. which in it's self laughable. They use their huge platform to spread hate, lies, bigotry of every kind and even sedition to over throw the will of the people and the Constitution by installing a "President". Yet they rarely get called out on it. When folks I did constantly...they "jail" your account and eventually ban you. I was banned from Facebook for literally saying "Nazis are Bad." in a conversation about WWII. These sites are managed and run by white Christian Males...who do you think they are going to really censor? Anyone who calls these evil Hate mongers out...that's who. Notice they are all Republicans...even after the switch from conservative to fascist. Don't believe me...go on Twitter and look up some right wing won't take a minute to find some horrify...

New FrogBat Fundraiser up...we need to raise funds quick

 Hey Everyone,   So Nick has got the new FrogBat fundraising GoFundMe up. We need to raise the first $2000 to start Here's the link : Please share it on Social Media and spread the word. This year will be the "Z" FrogBat. we need to start building by June 1st or this won't happen. The event will be July 4th.  -Otto Von Danger SGT/USMC and Artist at Large Semper Fidelis

truth Bomb by OVD : "The Northman" is just a Hollywood knock off of Hamlet

 Hey Everyone,   So I've finally saw "The Northman" and was quite disappointed. It was a bastardized Hollywood version of Hamlet. The action was good and costume design where pretty accurate but it was Shakespeare's imagined version of Dane Vikings(Not Iceland which are Norsk). A pretty standard..."Vikings are evil murderous Pagan brutes"...Racism and Religious intolerance.    First off, women were equals in our culture. That includes warriors. Rape was a crime with the death penalty in all Viking cultures(Norsk, Swede and Dane). It wasn't until Christianity that women were subjugated and even then...never fully. Even modern Scandinavians have a lot of Female Leaders.     Secondly sacrifices where not common(Animal or Human). For most Vikings it was once every 9 years and all where volunteer's.    Thirdly animal totems where used but the whole acting like dogs bullsh*t was just that...bullsh*t. In fact wolves are some of the most horrifying b...

Truth Bomb by OVD : It's time to kick Turkey out of's why...

 Hey Everyone,   So you may have seen in the news Turkey and it's dictator Erdogan are saying he will block Sweden and Finland from entering NATO. NATO's response should be to remove Turkey from NATO. There are many reasons why....lets 'list them... 1) Turkey is a Dictatorship, not a Democracy anymore. Erdogan has arrested thousands of his citizen's just for disagreeing with him on policy. He's removed, killed or jailed all opposition...just like Putin. 2) Turkey has attacked other NATO countries forces in Syria under the claim that they work with terrorists(the Kurds...a group he is highly bigoted against and has tried to wipe out...yes...genocide). The Kurds were very good and loyal allies against Iraq and Isis. Erdogan's reasoning is purely racism. 3) Turkey's claims that Sweden and Finland support terrorism is 100% bullshit. Not only are both nation extremely peaceful but humanitarian aid to the Kurds is why he's saying they support terrorism. 4) The...

Otto Update...My B-Day and Dead friends day

 Hey Everyone,   So the new roomie Ryan is in and working out great. My friend Brad put together a new computer for me so I'll be switching to that soon. I have some weed to smoke and cookies for pain relief. And I've got food. So it's not all bad news.   My pain levels have also gotten worse though. My left leg started failing again so I'm worried I will be wheelchair bound very soon. Making getting around even harder. Not that I can get out much now. I'm always tired and scream out in pain a lot more these days. My tub got clogged by the new plumbing downstairs...but I got that fixed finally.    My Birthday is coming up (May 31st) but I have no's also memorial day(Dead friends day) so it's always a hard day for me. I rarely have a decent B-day anyways. In fact most of my birthdays have been horrible. So I'm dreading the Memorial day weekend. I'll probably end up alone and broke...something really bad will happen and all I'll think ab...

Truth Bomb by OVD : The Republicans, the party of white supremacy, terrorism, fascism and bigotry

 Hey Everyone,   So I'm just going to come out and say it. The Republican party has become 100% the party of white Nationalist terrorists, bigots of every kind and fascism. They are actively trying to end our Republic with a white nationalist agenda. Who do they hate... African Americans Latin Americans Asian Americans LGBTQ Americans Jewish Americans Muslim Americans Pagan Americans Atheist Americans Female Americans Immigrant Americans Progressive Americans Moderate Americans Unionized American workers  and I could go on...but you get the point. In fact it's hard to find a group of Americans they don't hate. It's like they hate America and everything we stand for. Except Nazi Americans and white "Christian" know..."fine people"    Ask any Republican running for office these days what are their policies? They won't be able to answer as they have none. Instead they will rattle on about "Replacement theory" and Nazi tactic...

Truth Bomb by OVD: Ukraine update and NATO news

 Hey everyone,   So Russia's attacks are gaining little ground and great cost. Yesterday a whole Russian mechanized Battalion and Bridge engineering company where destroyed trying to cross a river. 50+ tanks and BMP's and over 1000 personnel destroyed and killed. A major blow. Also Ukraine is pushing in the Northeast near Kharkiv to cut off the entire Russian Northern Army group(like I've been saying they would). If this is successful the rest of the Russian units will fall and Russia will lose this war militarily. The American Howitzer's are already pounding away at the Russians. Things are not looking good for Russia.    On the political front France's Macron has suggested Ukraine give up  territory to appease Putin so he can save face. I disagree...turn that question much land is France willing to give up to appease a losing dictator? My guess would be ZERO. Macron should shut the F*ck up.    Also Turkey is saying it's against Sweden a...

Truth Bomb by OVD : The Philippines goes bad again

 Hey Everyone,   So I've spent time in the Philippines including in 1985-86 during the Marcos ousting. Marcos was a ruthless dictator and murdered his own people daily. He robbed the nation of it's wealth to fuel his luxury filled life. I remember just how happy everyone was when we switched sides and the Philippines became a democracy again. There was death everywhere when Marcos ruled. Now it was a happy place full of wonderful people.    Well all that changed yesterday as the Philippines elected Marcos's son. Just like the Republican's here in the states he ran on bringing back "The good old days"...and people forgot the "good old days" were death and misery(just like the States).    So now I would NOT recommend  going there. It will turn into more of a police state...with murder on the no time. Also expect Marcos Jr to flirt with China to extract more money an power. that's what the Marcos's do. This is a sad day for that par...

Truth Bomb by OVD : Openly racist illegal search of Black College Lacrosse team

 Hey everyone,   So yesterday the Georgia state police, without a warrant or probable cause, searched a bus of College students from Delaware, who where traveling with their Lacrosse team. These Racists conducted their search because a lot of the students where black. There was NO legitimate reason to search this bus. They tried to intimidate and threaten these students.  Then they searched for drugs and found none. So this group of students were humiliated and treated as criminals because of the color of their skin. There is video but I will warn you, it will piss you off if you watch it. These racists must be fired and charged with illegally detaining these students , because that's exactly what they did and it's all on film. This also is a warning to anyone traveling through or to Georgia. It is not safe if you're not white or traveling with non-white folks.    What can you do if this happens to you.... 1) First remember your rights and remain silent(Lawyer u...

Truth Bomb by OVD : The "Supreme" Court has lost all credibility

 Hey Everyone,   So as we watch the so called "Supreme" Court unravel 150 years of civil liberties and voting rights in the name of Christian Fascism, we have to remember all the "Justices" involved are liar's who committed perjury,. We all saw it. Every single one of them lied and said "Roe V Wade was settled law and they had no plans to challenge it." under oath in their Senate Confirmation hearings. Of the many things that cast doubt on the Courts legality, committing perjury under Oath should be the biggest one. How are we supposed to trust someone to impartially interpret the law when they are proven liars that disrespected the Nation by lying under Oath. They should be in prison not on ANY court. We all saw's on tape. Yet there they go...doing what they said they wouldn't.    If that's not bad enough they use a Bigoted guy who believes in witches from 1600's England to make their argument.  Matthew Hale is his name...googl...

GoFundMe is not working for me so FrogBat is canceled...sorry.

 Just like it says above. GoFundMe has flagged my account and won't tell me why so FrogBat is canceled.  -Otto

Truth Bomb by OVD : How the American media is trying to start WWIII for ratings.

 Hey Everyone,   So I'm watching the American press, just f*ck up beyond reason. The are trying to say American intelligence shared with the Ukrainians is what's causing Russian Generals and the Missile Cruiser to be targeted. Not only is this a lie and tells Russia to target America...literally egging on WWIII.    Lets take the sinking of the Moskva as an example. So what really happened is the Ukrainians spotted it. They asked American intel to confirm it...which we did. Then they sunk it with anti-ship missiles the designed themselves on their own. The American news however reported it like we just told the Ukrainians that this ship was there and ordered them sink it. This is not only bad reporting based on presumptions and lies. It threatens to cause the Russians to respond against the United States. This could cause WWIII. Why would the American press do this...simple...ratings and headlines to make money. What would you do if you were Putin and Ameri...

Truth Bomb by OVD : Ukraine war update

 Hey Everyone,   So things are going pretty much like I told you they would. Also the Ukrainians are hitting Russia with commando I've been stressing they needed too. And they are doing even more than I suggested. They are blowing up supply depots, fuel depots and even power plants...even in MOSCOW. You won't find that on your news feed but it's happening. The Ukrainians are hitting Russia's infrastructure...not just it's war machine. So now Russians will KNOW this is a War not a "Special Operation", it's still cold there and the power is going down all over Russia. Huge fires are also all over Russia from the Fuel and weapons depots exploding and burning everything around them. This will be a huge Moral killer for all Russians.    Meanwhile the Asimov steel factory in Mariupol is still holding a thread. The Russians are hitting them with everything. This is definitely Ukraine's "Alamo". I think taking this plant is...

Truth Bomb by OVD : Call for a National Strike the second Roe vs Wade is overturned

 Hey Everyone,    So we are now in a position where the Supreme Court is about to take away a Woman's right to control her own body. They are doing so even though 80% of Americans support a woman's right to chose and 73% support Roe Vs Wade directly. They don't care what Americans think. They don't care how many American women will die from this decision. And the way this is worded...contraception, biracial marriage, gay marriage, LGBTQ rights, Women's rights, Civil rights, workers rights and much more are in jeopardy. This Fascist take over of our Courts and Nation must be stopped.     I'm calling on EVERYONE to walk off their jobs the second this is passed by the Supreme Court(probably June or Early July). A National Strike until this is fixed. The economy will stop and they will have to scramble to pass something. This will also demonstrate we can do the same for things like Medicare for all. We have about a month so stock up and save your money so we ca...

Truth Bomb by OVD : Ammunition for the fights ahead(Rights of personal privacy)

 Hey Everyone,    So the Supreme Court ruling is real. What is more important is how it's written and it's "argument". It doesn't use legal argument. It just states that THIS Supreme Court doesn't believe in Personal Privacy and any Law including Roe VS Wade and Casey VS Planned Parenthood, that uses "personal privacy" is not valid.  ....take that in for a second... They are saying because the Constitution doesn't specifically say "You have the right of personal privacy" don't. Even though every Amendment is an example of protecting said "personal privacy".  So if they use this as their new precedence a lot of protections will go...LGBTQ rights...gone...Civil Rights...gone...Women's rights....gone...and many more. This was their long game. Take over the Court and install Fascism legally. They won... The problem they have is... ALL of these rights are widely popular. 80% of Americans believe women should have acce...

Truth Bomb by OVD : Supreme Court to end adoration, contraception and women/LGBTQ rights in evil move.

 Hey Everyone,   So a leaked decision has come out of the Supreme Court saying they plan to overturn Roe VS Wade and Casey vs Planned Parenthood. It is worded in a manner that demonstrates banning abortion isn't their only goal. The want to eliminate American's right to privacy over family planning. This will make contraception illegal too. It's also worded against LBGTQ rights and Gay marriage. Add that most of these anti-rights/abortion laws coming out of the Red states also force rape and incest pregnancies and have no protections for a woman's right to live either.    This has set America back 150 years at least. It makes being a woman, a second class citizen and your only purpose is to being an incubator. This is disgusting, wrong, stupid and evil all rolled in to one shit sandwich. I recommend any women in America leave...claim political asylum and go to any Western Nation that will protect your rights and freedom's. Or stay and be a rape baby incubator with n...

Truth Bomb by OVD: Happy May Day and how unions can save America

 Hey Everyone,     So May 1st is International Workers day. This day celebrates all the sacrifices made to get workers rights from safety to pay. Most of this was done by Unions in the late 1800's and early 1900's. It's why you're enjoying this weekend off, 40 hour/5 day work weeks, 8 hour work days, min wage, overtime pay, vacations, and many more labor laws. Before those laws, the work conditions and "pay" were barely above slavery levels. American history doesn't teach much about this because it would inspire more Unions and better change...Like Norway and Sweden. Here's an article to get you started in learning how they beat the 1% in those Nations and now have the highest standard of living in the world. Unions at this point might be the only way to save America besides violence and the chaos that goes with it. As both parties work for the 1% and elec...