
Showing posts from April, 2022

Truth Bomb by OVD : Twitter and Musk's takeover

 Hey Everyone,   So Elon Musk has bought Twitter. It seems he bought it for one reason Troll the sane world. He spent $44 Billion on the platform and is showing signs of doing real damage to the company. Even a lot of my Twitter friends are leaving(welcome to the blog world). Elon has already started trolling his own employee's. The woman he outed yesterday on Twitter...that works for the now receiving right wing death threats and trolling by thousands of Nazi types. This will of course result in many lawsuits again Musk and his Nazi friends. The numbers are showing most Moderates and "lefties" leaving the site by the hundreds of thousands. As the amount of Nazi users increases. This site will die quickly at this pace.    The good news is Elon will probably lose many Billions on this move. His $44 Billion dollar company will die out and he'll lose that and he sold Tesla stock to do this deal. Tesla stock has taken a major hit from it.  ...

Otto Update Good news

 Hey Everyone,   So Ryan, the new room mate started moving in today. So I'm much less stressed now. He's also a Veteran, He was a Medic in the Army Rangers. He was at Iraq II. So we're getting along like peaches and cream. Two other friends from out of town plan to visit soon. I am probably getting a new computer from a friend that builds them. He's one of the two out of town visitors and will be bringing it with him. Also FrogBat is a I'll be putting up a GoFundMe for that soon. And it will be built here at my place again. I'm excited. I won't be doing very much construction myself, due to my physical limitations, but It's still my baby. Art Hard my friends...Art Hard !!! -Otto Von Danger  SGT/USMC and Artist at Large Semper Fidelis 

Truth Bomb by OVD : Russia rattles it's nuclear sabre...again

 Hey Everyone,   So the War is still going badly for Putin and his army of Russian "Z" NaZi's . They lost the battle for Kiev and now their attacks in the eastern Donbass region are failing too. I'm hearing from multiple sources the Russians are getting slaughtered. Worse than in the battle of Kiev. They still can't even take Mariupol. All this as a steady supply of weapons come in from the west to arm Ukraine. In a week or two, when the Ukrainians get enough, they will start really counter attacking and pushing Russia out of Ukraine.   So Putin and his minions are rattling the nuclear sabre again. Threatening the west with WWIII. Making some nations worry and others to double down on their supplying of Ukraine. Even China came out and said WWIII would be bad for everyone and Putin should chill. I agree with China but think Biden should go further and call Putin's bluff. Make a speech saying America has done no wrong in supplying Ukraine with weapons as Russia...

Truth Bomb by OVD : Ukraine war update

 Hey Everyone,   So the Russian second assault has started in the Donbass region. There has been a lot of give and take with no big gains by either side. The Russians keep throwing troops at the Ukrainian defenses in the Donbass region only to get slaughtered and repelled. The radio intercepts show how bad it is for the Russians. The Russians are throwing barely trained conscripts at hardened Ukrainian defensive trench lines full of Veteran Ukrainian troops. The best comparison I can come up with is our National Guard trying to attack the US Marine Corps that's dug in full of veterans from Afghanistan and Iraq . It's a slaughter.      The west is starting to send more equipment. Artillery is the biggest new ticket item but also more MiG-29's and parts for them. When the new artillery arrives(a week to 2 tops) it will help Ukrainian counter attacks. The planes will help keep the the Russians from gaining air superiority. But it's still not enough to push Rus...

Truth Bomb by OVD : Disney VS DeSantis

 Hey Everyone,   So you may have heard of Florida's "Don't say Gay" bill that passed recently. It's another one of those bigoted bills that Republicans pass to harass Americans. This one directed at LGBTQ Americans and kids. It's horrible to say the least and should be struck down as a violation of the 1st Amendment. After this "law" was passed Disney came out against it, as expected. The Republican response was to attack Disney and take away their Deal that allows Disney to take care of their own government functions. The reason Disney made this deal is they wanted to create the Disney World experience. No pot holes, graffiti, run down building etc. If you've ever been to Disney world or land you notice this. Everything is clean and maintained. If you look at literally EVERY other American city/county this in NOT the case.    So what stripping this will do is make Florida responsible for that upkeep. Which they can't do. Not even close. So e...

Truth Bomb by OVD : Ukraine update and interesting Stamp fact

 Hey Everyone,   So the Ukraine war is still going as I predicted. The West it seems has decided to make this a PROXY War instead of trying to help Ukraine actually win it. A Proxy war is when you use another country to hurt your opponents militarily and economically. The goals of this Proxy War are pretty simple  1) Keep the war going as long as possible.  2) Bleed the Russians both militarily and economically.  3) Test new weapons systems and analyze the enemies tactics and equipment.   4) Make a ton of money for the Military Industrial Complex, War profiteering. For example, Poland sends Ukraine 20 MiG-29's(whether full on taken a part) and the US replaces them with F-35's , Lockheed Martin gets paid for the F-35's making a ton of money and sticking the Ukrainians with outdated Soviet Era crap equipment to fight with.    The sad reality is Hundreds of thousands if not Millions of Ukrainian civilians will die because of this choice. We know...

Truth Bomb by OVD : Movies and shows ratings

 Hey Everyone,   Time for another installment of the OVD Movie/Show ratings on a 1 to 10 scale. A lot of new stuff is out so lets do this... MOVIES 1) "Spider Man No way home" : Rating 4 : very Predictable, bad acting and no Miles from Spider-verse. So this movie is so predictable it's boring. The acting is so bad it's almost unbearable. This is a movie to watch for free when you are really bored. 2) "The Batman" : Rating 2 : Just horrible not worth watching. I could only do 20 minutes it is so bad. 3) "Moonfall" : Rating 6 : crazy unreal but a fun watch. There is no science behind this crazy unreal "save the world" movie but it is entertaining and fun. A few twists that were nice. Special effects are unreal but awesome. A good movie if you just want entertainment.  4) "Studio 666" : Rating 6 : David Grohl and gang put out this fun, creepy "horror" flick. Again this movie won't be remembered but was fun and enterta...

Truth Bomb by OVD : Happy 4/20

 Hey Everyone,   Happy April 20th(4/20). I plan to burn all day. If you're in the area feel free to come by and get high. -OVD Happy 4/20

Truth Bomb by OVD : Covid 19 surge and 2 new variants, Bad milestone

 Hey Everyone,   I know everyone is tired of Covid-19 and doesn't want to hear about it...but sticking your head in the sand never works. We are officially over 1 MILIION DEATHS in the USA of Covid-19   There are two new variants of working their way around the Nation and the world. Good news is most vaccinated people don't even notice it. So 98% of the Deaths are the Science denying Nazi morons and the Mega hippie white Marin Mom types. The sad part is their unvaccinated kids will get it too. Many will die and start getting other diseases like Polio, Small Pox and Measles from not vaccinating and dying horrible deaths...but in the long run it means less dumb and evil humans. Darwin's got this one.   That being said you should still practice social distancing and masking in large public arena's. Stay current with boosters and the science. The sad fact is only 30% of vaccinated Americans have their Booster yet. Get the Booster folks. And if you do get it...go to one o...

FrogBat update 2022

 Hey Everyone,   So I've designed this years FrogBat. It's "Putin's "Z" swastika FrogBat. I've talked to 2 people interested in the build. If I find enough I think I can get a deal on lumber and if I can....I can keep the total costs between $4000 and $5000. This includes paint, feeding and "beer"ing the crew. Shipping, storage, shipping to site, "Pyro" and clean up. So if this is going to happen...when I have a solid build crew...I will start the GoFundMe. In the past I put up my own money to get the ball rolling on the build...I can't do that anymore. I'm on a fixed income, if I was unable to raise the funds...I'd lose my place. So I just can't take that chance, which means I won't be able to start building until I've raised at least $2k. That will get the lumber, saw blades, tape measures in order to build the un painted FrogBat. Of course pre painting parts makes it much easier(especially the head). Paint is...

Otto Update

 Hey Everyone,   So it looks like I have a room mate. His name is Ryan and he's a burner. Of course after last time...I won't feel secure until money is in my hand and he's moved in. We hit it off so well he ended up hanging out for hours. So I'm pretty sure it'll all work out.   The weather here has been going from 90 to 40 with rain every other day. So I'm not doing great pain wise but at least I have cookies now. Also another neighbor gave me some strong brownies too. So I'm hanging in there.   My bank card expired this as I said in an earlier post I went to the bank only to have them tell me it's been mailed and I should have it by this week...a week later...still no card. So even though I have money...I have no way to buy food and my fridge is empty. My friend Margret ordered a Pizza for me and that got me through 2 days. I can probably get through the weekend without food but I'm already starving so if that card isn't here by Mon...

Truth Bomb bt OVD : Russian Flagship of the Black sea is sunk

 Hey Everyone,   So the pride and the Flagship of the Russian Black Sea fleet. The heavy missile Cruiser "The Moskva" was hit by a Ukrainian made anti-ship missile this morning. The Russians evacuated the crew and started towing it to Sevastopol...and it sunk on the way there. The funniest part was the Russians claiming their own mistake sunk their that sounded  This is a big loss for Russia both strategically and a big hit to Morale. Now the Russians have to hold back all their resupply will be very difficult for the Southern Russian Army group. They will also won't be able to shell cities like Odesa anymore. This is a huge victory for the Ukrainians forces.   Then I looked at the list of equipment the US is sending to Ukraine and my heart dropped. It's all crap...those worthless "Switch blades" old 1950's APC's , old Humvee's , body armor, helmets, 12 artillery pieces. So it look like America has no real in...

Truth Bomb by OVD : The tactics I spoke of in my last post with a map

 Hey Everyone,   So I made a map to better explain my suggested tactics on my last post. The Blue is the present Ukrainian defensive line currently The Red is where the Ukrainians should send commando units to cut supply lines, roads, bridges, rail road track, pipelines and power lines. They don't need to kill any civilians and can cripple Russian supply lines while also bringing the War to Russia. The Green line is where they should attack once those supply lines are cut. Going through a small part of Russia to get behind their now unsupplied Northern Army group. They are the hammer and the defensive line is the anvil.  I hope this clears it up. -Otto Von Danger  SGT/USMC and Artist at Large Semper Fidelis

Truth Bomb by OVD : Ukraine update, Tactics, changes and new equipment

 Hey Everyone,   So you may have noticed American news isn't covering Ukraine as much as the recent past. The major journalists are starting to leave Ukraine to go back to the states. This is a bad sign as these "news" outlets go by numbers and money in what the cover. A sign that America is starting to "not care" as much. On top of that FOX is still allowing their fascist rich boy, Tucker Carlson spout off Russian propaganda and sow disinformation. Because Ukraine is our ally and at war...this is nothing short of Treason. It would be one thing to "give Russia's point of view" but spreading known lies is not covered by the first amendment. It's covered by the treason clause. Tucker should be fired and arrested. Neither has happened.     TACTICS   The Russians have completely withdrawn from the Kiev area and abandoned their objectives in Northern Ukraine. They are moving their forces east and south to concentrate on the eastern "Donbass...

Otto Update

 Hey Everyone,   So I've had 4 horrible idiots contact me for my room to rent. So that's not going well. I mean idiots. The didn't read the ad at all that answered every question they sent me. One had a foreign(Spanish) phone number and another was a gal that was sent an Email demanding she was only looking for a room and didn't want anything else. Of course I replied that my ad was in the room/shares...not the personals and she and her baggage could fuck off.  I have another coming Monday but he's already flaked on one I'm not hopeful about him either.    My blogs numbers have tanked so I guess people are only interested if I plan on taking the long walk. Which is just sad and a bit infuriating. "Thank you for your service" level crap. It also looks like the Burning Man community has forgotten I exist after the decade+ of art I built for them. Now I wish I hadn't. They didn't deserve my effort and skill. Of course there are ex...

Truth Bomb by OVD :Ukraine update, war crimes and Russian army defeat

 Hey Everyone,   So the latest radio intercepts(which I've covered in the past) the Russians have NO encryption or secure lines of they talk on open radio channels that are recorded, are nothing short of horrifying. Russian troops talk about killing and raping civilians. You can hear Russian officers ordering the killing of civilians and the shelling of them too. Add this to the video's of bodies and satellite images and it gives a clear picture that this is a Top down ordered Genocide of the Ukrainian people.   These intercepts are also showing the collapsing Russian morale. Hungry Russian troops talk about scavenging for food, even eating dogs. They talk about how they were lied to and just want to go home. They talk about their units that were destroyed. They are completely demoralized.    Also Russian citizens are fleeing Russia in larger numbers daily. Going to Georgia, Turkey, Finland and anywhere else they can go. A lot of them tel...

Truth Bomb by OVD : The problems with modern Zombie movies and shows

 Hey Everyone.  So tonight we delve into the Zombie Genre and what's wrong with the plots in a lot of modern zombie shows and movies. I'll list them for fun... 1) Everyone is a head shot all star. Against slow zombies I can see people getting better at head shots...but still no where as accurate as these shows. And fast zombies...not a chance. And rarely will you see them packing their own bullets in these shows either. Bullets will run out fast in any Ragnarok (apocalypse). 2) 10...15 years into Z Day the characters are wearing the latest hipster fashions...clean with no holes. By then, in any apocalypse they'd be wearing rags or animal skins...I mean come on. And if your not wearing some kind of armor by then...I'm surprised they made it that far. Which brings me to... 3) Finding dumb , defenseless, clueless, "New" Characters. Dumb people don't survive any catastrophe let alone Z Day. They would have to be smart and bad ass...and lucky. Yet every new cha...

Truth Bomb By OVD : The Republicans have a obvious bigotry and Authoritarian problem

 Hey Everyone,   So the hearing for Ketanji Brown Jacksons SCOTUS Nomination is over. As predicted she will be our next Supreme Court Justice. During the hearing the Republicans tried every racist dog whistle in the book to try to stop her. It was just sickening. It shows they are the party of Bigotry(Bigotry is when a coward is so scared of people they never met that they react with fear, lies and violence). She is probably one of the most qualified people for the position...but their fear of Black Americans came out plainly and most of them voted against her. They will be remembered by history as hateful bigots. I'm sure none of this is shocking news. Bigotry in various forms seems to be the GOP platform. They hate Black Americans, Latino Americans, Asian Americans, LGBTQ Americans, Jewish Americans, Muslim Americans, Pagan Americans, Atheist Americans, Working class/poor Americans, disabled fact you can just say they hate most Americans.    Which br...

My newest Ad for my room to rent in Oakland CA

 Hey everyone,   Here's a link to my latest ad for the room I need to rent. Please spread the word. Thanks, -Otto

Truth Bomb by OVD : More mass graves found. NATO is failing to really support Ukraine

 Hey Everyone,   So more mass graves have been found in Sumy Ukraine that was occupied for about 30 days. More horror stories of civilians tortured and executed. Proving Bucha wasn't a rogue Russian unit. This is their standard practice....making this without a shadow of doubt...a genocide. The reason the west is still calling it war crimes and not Genocide is because genocide is harder to prove usually. Also it would increase demand for them to do more.    Which brings me to the second the west is failing. There were two ways they could have done this 1) Supplied Ukraine with everything they need and more 2) Make this a long drawn out proxy war in order to bleed the Russians, test new weapons systems and make money for the military industrial complex. Well more and more it's looking like the later. Ukraine isn't getting shit, but more Manpats(Javelins, MLAWs and Stingers). Meaning they won't be able to push Russia out and this war will drag on and the we...

Otto Update...gettin' R' done

 Hey Everyone,   There is so much going on I thought I should make another update. So Swords to Plowshares finally came through. They will pay off my rent including this month. Everything is turned in. My Landlords should get a check in the next day or two. Which is a huge relief. But I found out their long term assistance program is not even done by them. They turn over my paper work to another Veterans group. On top of that the "assistance" is only 30-50% of my rent(not bills). So not enough to keep me afloat. So finding a room mate is now a priority. I will post the new ad as soon as I get it up.   Also I have a group of tech orientated Veterans coming over in the next 15 minutes to help file my claim online(they know how to navigate the broken web site the VA has). So my new claim should be in by the end of today. Once it's approved(which could take months/years), I won't need any more financial help and can start living like a regular person. I've been fighti...

Pictures of some of my Art installations

 Hey Everyone,  So here's some pictures of my art around the world(when I could still walk). There are video's on YouTube and I stared in the movie "Spark: A Burning Man story" about my art installation "Burn Wall Street" at Burning Man. I also built the Man for them for 12 years. So there is more out there on the internet. this is just a taste. Enjoy. -Otto Von Danger SGT/USMC and Artist at Large Semper Fidelis

Otto Update...good news

 Hey Everyone,    Thanks for the show of support. I really appreciate it. Swords to Plowshares told me they will push to get my claim done soon. We'll see. I've decided to postpone my long walk and see how this goes. If I get evicted I'll take that walk as I can't survive on the streets in my condition anyway. If not I will continue to keep on keeping on.    For those new to my blog I've been banned from both Fascistbook and Twitler for speaking out against Nazis. On Facebook in a conversation about WWII II, I said "Nazis are bad" and was banned permanently. Yeah...Fascistbook supports Nazis and Nazism that much. So I won't be able to connect with you all on those platforms. A lot of you sent me you contact info on them so I'm letting you know. I can't and won't use those platforms. That's why I write this blog. To share what's going on with me and in the world. And you can comment on them just like those platforms. It's my last...

Truth Bomb by OVD : How to react to Russia's genocide and war crimes

 Hey Everyone,   So we'll take a break from my personal drama to talk about something more important. How should the US, NATO and the "West" react to finding out that Putin the Butcher of Mariupol is also the Butcher of Bucha and probably any where Russia went. The pictures coming out of Bucha are nothing short of horrifying at the Nazi level of horrifying. Slaughtered civilians all over the streets. Piles of bodies(with their hands tied) in basements and then their is the mass graves with various bodies poking out...showing they are full of bodies...huge trenches. There is only one word that describes this...Genocide.    So what can we do...without starting WWIII? How can the west "thread that needle" and still really hurt Putin's Nazi army in Ukraine and the whole of Russia? Well first off...stop worrying to much about starting WWIII. The Russians don't want that either and will kill Putin if he tried to. So our only real limitations are using NATO for...

Otto Update...

 Hey Everyone,   So I'm in a bad place and see no reason to continue. I live in constant agonizing pain. I go hungry every month. I worry about going homeless and looks like that what's about to happen. The VA isn't even taking claims right now and are two years behind on the current claims so my chances of getting out of this spiral of misery and poverty are nonexistent. I'm tired of feeling, and being a drain on my friends. Always needing help financially, physically and mentally. I'm tired of hearing about Veterans programs and organizations that help....only to have to jump through find out they don't. They are all scams. There is no hope. It's the reason there are 22 veteran suicides a day. It's the reason the streets are full of homeless veterans. It's one of the reasons for addiction problems with veterans. Reality is they want us dead...because it's cheaper. Both parties. And the way this crap system is set up is to deliver tha...

Truth Bomb by OVD : Putin the Butcher of Bucha

 Hey Everyone,   So I hate saying it but I told you so. Putin's war again Ukraine is Genocide. I've made a few posts in the past about this subject, but the pictures coming out of Bucha...a suburb of without a doubt the genocide happening in Ukraine. Civilian bodies liter the streets. Groups of executed civilians with their hands tied behind their back and even mass graves of civilians. Images that look like they were from Nazi Germany in WWII. Just horrifying.    This is a big reason for me calling for giving Ukraine much more and better weapons to fight with. This Genocide is happening all over Ukraine right now and the longer it takes to kick Russia out...the more innocent Ukrainians that will be murdered. Bucha shows us what we are going to find, on a much bigger level, in places like Mariupol and Kharkiv. The longer we wait to actually arm(Planes, tanks, long and medium range missiles) Ukraine, the more blood that's on our hands for letting it happen...

It's offical I'm screwed

 Het Everyone,   So I just got a text from Jamie...she said her plans have changed and she's not moving in(Not an April fools joke). Literally on the 1st instead of...a week ago. So now I have to come up with $1000 in 4 days or go another month behind making it three...meaning I'll be evicted. In my current condition that means death. I don't know what to do. I'm in so much pain and the stress wasn't helping but now that stress is multiplied by a thousand. I did get some food from a friend today but can't eat. I have no hope left. I'm posting the link to my GoFundMe below but I don't expect any more help. I keep having to ask and even government programs like Swords to Plowshares haven't done shit. I guess they really want me dead. -OVD